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Monday, December 29, 2008

Post Holidays Post

Well, here we are, a few days after the Winter Holiday Season. Kim has returned to work, and Daddy and Audrey are rocking out for the second week of school winter break.

We spent most of the past two weeks in South Bend visiting Kim's family and friends. It was really nice to see so many people smile when they held Audrey. She is just a bundle of joy to so many people. As I sat here today giving her a bottle, it felt as if it were the first real time we had together because of all the friends and relatives who spent time with her! :-) I felt blessed to realize that Audrey has so many people both near and far in her life that love her so much!

I want to thank everyone for the wonderful and generous gifts both for Audrey and Kim and I. I am enjoying Spaceballs the Collector's Edition tomorrow (Thanks Gail!) and tonight we're watching The Dark Night (Thanks again Gail!), which pretty much is the best movie I've seen since The Return of the King in terms of overall movie making quality and feeling of satisfaction when the credits finally start rolling!

As for me, I am enjoying the second week of my winter break just doing odds and ends around the house and doing some running around! I enjoy quiet time around the house doing things like dishes and laundry. My guilty pleasure is listening to the podcasts of NPR's "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" and "Car Talk" while Audrey takes a nap on my stomach. Pure HEAVEN in my book!

OK, time to finish The Dark Night. More to come this week, as I will find myself with no laundry or dishes tomorrow! Thank you again to everyone! Here are a couple picts!


Friday, December 19, 2008

Long Time....No Blog

Well, it really has been a long time since the last blog. Thigns have been moving so fast as of late. For me, the time between Thanksgiving and the Winter Break is really crammed with testing and extra class assignments because of the short period. School has been goign well, although I never get everything done tha tI set-out to accomplish! I think that's a blessing and a curse because it means we're ambitious, yet it is also frustrating to not be able to finish projects in a timely manner. Oh well,learning doesn't always have a schedule, I guess.

On the family side of things, Thanksgiving was wonderful. My father flew to Virginia to surprise us! It was also the first time he got to meet his granddaughter, so it was extra special! Personally, it was my alltime favorite Thanksgiving due to the combination of the surprise dad element, as well as both Kim and Audrey joining me for their first Virginia Thanksgivings! What a treat. Plus, on top of all of that, the usual wonderful suspects were present plus all of the wonderful food, laughter, and smiles! Audrey was a champ on the airplanes, sleeping about 95% of the time.

We are currently camped out in South Bend, IN visiting Grandma and finishing our holiday shopping. School was cancled today due to an ice storm, so it was a quiet morning spent in bed playing with my baby and watching the snow fall during sunrise.

As the holiday season approaches, I am both warmed by the love for family and friends, and saddened by the amount of advertising and desperation caused by the tanked economy. I want to wish everyone a safe, peaceful season. I urge everyone to take a moment and count your blessings, no matter how small, end enjoy the ones around you. Many many pictures to follow soon, as I am now on Winter Break and have a bit of time to actually update this blog as well as respond the the bazillion e-mails I've been procrastinating on! Be well and stay warm!
