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Monday, March 23, 2009

A Sad Week

Kim's grandfather died this week. We drove to South Bend to be with family and try to help out in any way we could. It is difficult when someone dies. There is never an "answer" and the right words to say to others always seems to elude my tongue.

I am glad that Kim has had so many years to get to know her grandparents. While I have a handful of memories with my own Grandparents, I always have wished that I could have known them better. My life with Kim and her family has allowed me to spend more time with her Grandparents and appreciate more what previous generations have lived through. Growing-up in Alaska, my grandparents were in Seattle and Chicago and I usually saw them once a year. I remember looking forward to my trips to Chicago especially because it meant visiting the city and getting to ride the "L" and see the skyscrapers and maybe even take-in a Cubs game. And while I enjoyed visiting my Bubbie and Zadie, I didn't understand very well the importance of conversation and asking questions. I wish I could have heard my Grandfather tell me about his experiences in the War, or hear my Grandmother tell me her version of how they met. I vaguely recall them giving me pieces of advice to study hard and respect my parents, and I know they loved me very much, but I only have these snippets.

So, while it is painful to have lossed Kim's Grandfather, I am so thankful that she has had him in her life so long. I am grateful that Audrey has had a chance to meet her Great-Grandfather. I feel blessed that he treated me like one of his own grandchildren from the day he met me.

Here are some more pictures of Audrey on her 6 month birthday! She's being held by Grandma Dixie and Aunt Beth! She has been a bright point during this past week of sadness. I am attempting to get some shots of her when she's NOT smiling...but that kiddo is so darn happy! Shout out to Gail for the IU outfit!


Sunday, March 15, 2009

April 15th Blog

Hello Friends and Family--

Happy belated Pi Day! Yes, 3-14 is also Albert Einstein's birthday!

The family is visiting South Bend this weekend. It is nice to sit and laugh and just be comfortable and enjoy a quiet weekend. I've managed to watch a little college basketball and even get a nap in! Oh sweet heaven!

Audrey is still getting over this cold that just won't go away. We've been back to the doctor and she has been prescribed an inhaler of sorts due to inflamed bronchial stuff. It has seemed to help, but she still wakes up coughing. Fortunately there has been a noticeable decrease in the coughing intensity and she seems to be o the mend. Now, if I can just stop bringing home germs from school!

Speaking of which, we have just finished the state standardized testing! Now that we've wasted two weeks of doing meaningless filling-in of bubbles in order to satisfy an exercise in futility, we can get back to learning and enjoying education.

For spring break, my mom is visiting from Seattle! This will be the first time she's met Audrey, her first grandchild. She is very excited and we are looking forward to having her energy at our house. It should be a blessed event!

Other than that, we are trying to keep organized and work on cleaning and the usual paying of bills and such. No new news on the Graduate Program yet, but I will be sure to let everyone know. Love to everyone!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Exciting News!

I was excited to learn today that I have been accepted into the Educational Leadership Masters program through Roosevelt University! I begin courses in the Fall and will earn a Masters in Educational Leadership as well as a Type-75 Certification for school administration! Here is the web address if you're really interested about the details of the program:

This is exciting not only because education is a passion for me, but it also is another step in helping build a secure future for my family by opening doors and exploring new opportunities. I'll keep everyone updated as things develope on this front!
