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Sunday, November 22, 2009

What I am Thankful For

my daughter
my wife
my family
my health
my job
the dog
changing seasons
quiet moments
my friends
the safety of my family and friends
my blue down comforter from Uncle Michael
warm slippers on a chilly morning
time to play
time to learn
time to listen

My life overflows with the love, laughter, and support from so many people that I am overwhelmed with thankfulness. I am humbled by how truly lucky I am to have such special people, opportunities, and love in my life. Thank you all so much. I wish everyone a reflective, beautiful Thanksgiving.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

November Frost

Audrey in her Penguin Costume

Waking up this morning, it was as if on cue that the early frost blanketed the lawns and cars in the area. I gloomily brandished the ice scraper to peel the thin layer of ice that had fixed itself upon my windows before departing to the store for breakfast essentials.

Last night was Halloween. Audrey, as a penguin, enjoyed the on goings immensely. She watched as older kids systematically went from door-to-door knocking and ringing bells and ultimately receiving a candy for their incessant trick-or-treating. It was a chilly evening in Crown Point, Indiana where we visited friends for the spooky holiday. This was really my own first experience taking children around a neighborhood and being on the other side of the candy bag. I found it strange to be escorting the ghouls and ghosts before sunset, but safety and bedtimes must come first, I imagine.

Proud Parents with Penguin

A Christmas sign greeted me as I entered the grocery at 6:30am this fine Sunday morning. I scowled at the green wreath, which seemed more a beacon warning for oncoming snow and winter rather than a warm holiday gathering period. While I did my best to push thoughts of eggnog and wool socks away from the forefront of my thoughts, I managed to make a nice breakfast of eggs, turkey sausage, toast, and hash browns with Audrey while the rays of the rising sun slowly melted away the pesky frost and revealed broken pumpkin pieces throughout the subdivision.

Audrey watching from the Wagon

We now begin to hunker down and prepare our house for a long, deep wintry rest. Comforters and extra sheets line our beds, while we stock our dressers with sweaters and long sleeves. The cats nestle into the couch cushions and the dog curls up at the foot of the bed. Audrey plays with blocks and stuffed animals and Kim cooks a steamy pot of chili as a football game proceeds on mute in the living room. Our eyes jump to the window now and again, expecting to see the first snowflake drifting to the ground at any moment. Yes, now it is that time. Fall has fallen, and winter will rise her snowy head soon enough.

Audrey and Jack keeping warm during Trick-or-Treating