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Saturday, November 20, 2010

November Saturday

Audrey and her purple zebra hat.

It is cold and dark out. While I know I have nothing to complain about, especially to my family in Alaska,it is still not my favorite thing to experience shorter, colder days. However, I find comfort and happiness with my family. Last week, my cousin Gail pulled some strings and got me a ticket to the Notre Dame vs. Utah game! Very exciting, despite the rain and chill! A Notre Dame victory put everyone in high spirits! Pictures from the event soon to follow.

Audrey playing with her new doll house that Zadie bought! An early Hanukah gift!

Audrey is all over the place, playing, running, talking, exploring, experimenting! She has run of the house! We frequent the book store and the library now that our daily walks have been virtually eliminated.

Audrey and the Doll House!

We are looking forward to Thanksgiving. I am happy to have a short break from teaching next week and get a chance to meet with parents and plan for the remainder of the quarter. It is wonderful to realize that we are nearly half-way through the school year! I am also in the middle of writing a paper for my instructional leadership class about standardized data assessment and state core curriculum standards. Not very exciting, but interesting. In a year or two, my school will adopt a new math curriculum, and I am on the team that will review and pilot the new program! It is exciting to think that I will have input on something that will impact students for years to come!

Audrey counting

I hope that everyone, wherever you are, has a pleasant, reflective, peaceful Thanksgiving Holiday. I want everyone to know how important they are in my life. I cannot express how thankful I am for my family and friends and the support that everyone has given me and my family.


Audrey making Cake for Daddy in the kitchen! YumYum

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November Chill

Treetop and sky

Basketball Hoop

Having a quiet evening at home. Here are a couple pictures from the weekend in South Bend. Just taking time to be a family and beginning to hunker down in preparation for winter, although this week is very warm!

Audrey in her Garden Gnome outfit for Halloween! (She refused to wear the hat all night!)

Audrey jumping on the bed!