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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Quiet February

A dolphin has a visit with Audrey

It has been a quiet couple of weeks. While February lulls by, we start to glance out our windows as the temperature teases 30+ degrees. Hopes of diminishing snow levels and seeing he sidewalk slowly build as talks of baseball season and spring break grow steadily.

Audrey and Daddy in front of the Adler Planetarium

We visited the Shedd Aquarium last weekend with some friends from out of town. It was nice to see Audrey playing with other kids and enjoying exploring the different fish and animals. It brings me back to the times my own father brought me to the Shedd.


Family photo via Chicago skyline

Audrey going down the penguin slide at the Shedd

Watching the dolphins jump at the show!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowy Days and Alpha-Pretzles


Greetings from a Frigid Illinois-

It is about -8 at the moment (with wind chill), and is expected to get much colder as the sun sinks below the horizon. It is the second straight day of school cancellation. Yesterday for the blizzard and today for the low temperatures. It will be strange and nice at the same time to return to school tomorrow for one day before the weekend. I have kept myself occupied by grading all of my papers and getting my science test ready for tomorrow.

Te view from my front door the morning after the blizzard!

5 foot snow drifts block our door!

Audrey and mommy survey the snow spectacle.

This isn't our car, but I thought it would give an idea about the level of snow that fell in about 10 hours!

Audrey has enjoyed a couple extra days at home with daddy and mommy. We just hunkered down and watched the snow and read a lot of books and played a lot of hide and seek, although Audrey is still getting the hang of "hiding".

Today, Kim had to work, but I got the day off again. To entertain ourselves, we've been reading a lot of books, playing with the doll house, and making alpha-pretzels. Pretzel making is one of Audrey's new favorite activities. There is something highly rewarding about making a food from scratch and enjoying it hot out of the oven!

Fresh, hot pretzels!

Well, time to get back to entering grades and enjoying another hot pretzel! Stay warm out there!

A sprinkle of sugar makes it so sweet!

The lowercase "b" is devoured!
