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Monday, April 25, 2011

April Drizzles and Delights

Audrey flying with Daddy in the backyard in South Bend

Time is a strange, fluid, and funny thing. I read once somewhere that, "Time doesn't exist, clocks exist." I still find this idea profound. There are many days when we are "up against" the clock, racing to complete as much as posible. Our lives are filled with times to complete tasks and responsibilities. We measure our worth often by the number of things we can complete in a period of time, or mark life accomplishments with time. There are other instances where we savor time. Einstein once wrote that time is relative, where a pleasurable event seems to pass quickly, while an uncomfortable or painful experience seems to last much longer. These are all things I think about as I watch my daughter grow-up and my family change and advance through their lives.

Audrey and Daddy are sitting on the couch this morning, enjoying some breakfast strawberries and listening to the Rolling Stones on the radio. It has been a busy few weeks for the Orelove Family. First of all, we can now officially announce that our family will be expanding in early November, as Kim is pregnant with our second child! We are all very excited and feel lucky and blessed. So, be ready for many more updates and photos as time progresses!

Audrey is excited to be a big sister, although I don't think the magnitude of change that will occurr has been grasped yet. We are making plans for the guest room in terms of a nursery or maybe iw will become Audrey's new room! Either way, painting and projects loom on the horizon for the upstairs!

We have enjoyed a plesant Easter/Passover weekend in South Bend. Audrey got to dye eggs and dip bitter herbs! Quite a plethora of religous symbolism, although I think a fuzzy bunny with candy eggs appeals more than lambs blood on the doorpost! While she cannot sit through The Ten Commandments with Charleston Heston yet, it is important to both Kim and I that Audrey have exposure to all of her rich heritages!

I have been running a bit, attempting to get back into some kind of phisical shape besides round. I will be biking in an event in south Bend in a few weeks called "Bike the Bend". Here's the link for more event info!

It has been nice to break a sweat and enjoy burning some calories in the process! I'll take pictures of the event and post them later. It is just nice to have a goal or event to help moticate me to get off the couch and move!

Daddy at the Notre Dame Blue and Gold Game! While it was raining and miserable weather wise, the Irish won! Thank you Gail and Uncle Bob for the ticket!

While there is only a month or so until summer break, I have officially finished my coursework for my Masters in Educational Leadership and my Illinois Administrative Certification. It has been an interesting and challenging journey over the past two years, and it is a very satisfying feeling to be done with this program. While my colleagues seem over-the-moon about completion, I feel that it is time to look towards the future and make some decisions about "what next?". I am pleased that my teaching contract has been renewed for another year, so unless a perfect administration position opens in the immediate future, I feel strongly that teaching for another year will be most beneficial. I love my work and helping students on a daily basis. While the benefits of an administrative position are wonderful, the positives of teaching are also wonderful. I earned this degree in part to open doors and add options, and that is what is happening. I want to thank my family and friends for being so supportive over the past two years in this part of my life.

So, the Orelove family is in a good place for the time being. Audrey is growing, learning, laughing, and is quite the character. Kim is working hard at work and making Orelove 2.0. Daddy is busy with taking care of the cats and dog and teaching. I am trying to enjoy every moment of our time right now, and make it last as long as possible, as life is beautiful and so happy right now.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Beginnings

Audrey watering the backyard in Indianapolis

Greetings from Indianapolis!

Our little family has traveled down I-65 to visit Beth and Mark and Gail. I enjoy driving, even if it is along a bland highway. Audrey has delighted in all of the attention and extended bedtime hours for the last two days.

We visited the Children's Museum, where long lines and spring break families. My own spring break is nearing its end, but I feel refreshed and am highly motivated to finish the school year in strong fashion. It is also wonderful to recognize that only three actual class sessions remain before the completion of my graduate program!

Bursts of sunshine and showers signal spring's official arrival, while warmer temperatures every week or two tease of summer days to come.

Phoebe watching Audrey water!

Audrey playing in the backyard

Transformer at the Children's Museum

Audrey and the Egyptian Face

Audrey, the Croc, and the Nile

Kim and the Face

Audrey practicing her Arabic in "Visit Egypt" at the Children's Museum

Audrey gets off the jet in Egypt!


Audrey and Daddy visiting the famous costumes exhibit

Aunt Beth and Captain Picard's Uniform!

A glimpse into the future?

Who ya' gonna' call?

Audrey Witch of the West!

Audrey visits DORA!

Cousin Gail explains the glass sculpture overhead!

Audrey on the train, examining her punched train ticket

From left: Gail, Kim, Beth, and Audrey on the train at the museum.

Audrey in the Raptor's Nest!

Audrey on the Carousel