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Monday, May 23, 2011

Backyard Sunset

Some pictures just before sunset in our back yard.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Picasso the Understudy?

Enjoy these moments, for they are brief, yet they are ours.

A very focused Audrey paints figurines!

Hello to all of our friends and family!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Overcast Morning

Audrey climbing the block steps.

We have quietly moved into the month of May here in our little family. While the weather does not indicate the oncoming of summer, it is refreshing to look longingly at a calendar and flip the page to reveal June! The school days are winding down, and the students are eagerly counting-off the remaining time before afternoons of baseball, swimming, and sleepovers become their daily routine.

Audrey contemplating the slide, and then zooming on the swing!

Audrey and I visited the park this morning by our house. Despite the dreary clouds that refuse to let the sunshine through, it was nice to run around immediately after breakfast. Audrey met-up with a play pal who attends her big brother's baseball games, so there was much sidewalk chalking and swinging to be had on today's venture!

Audrey and pal chalking the sidewalk!

Kim and Orelove 2.0 are doing well. The doctors have given us nothing but healthy reports on the early development, so we are pleased and feel so blessed to have a second child on the way. While I understand the hours of sleep and rest will become even more diminished, I am also excited to see how Audrey interacts and responds to being a big sister! At the moment, we have no intention to find out if it is a boy or a girl, but we will see as time progresses!

Sittin' in the bug bobber!

It is nice to have my Tuesday evenings back and be finished with my graduate studies. I will post a picture when my official diploma arrives in the mail. I opted not to attend graduation, as I felt an afternoon playing with Audrey was a much more satisfactory way to celebrate! We will continue to update as the days become longer and the responsibilities fewer!
