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Friday, July 22, 2011

An Update of Sorts

I cannot even remember the last post for this blog, and I don't care too much to look back to find the exact date. The bottom line is the summer is passing quickly, as it always does. While the days grow hotter, and the nights flourish with fireflies and stars, something in the back of my mind whispers of the return to teaching and finding our way into the fall season. I know it is sinful to mention fall in the middle of July, but I cannot help but admit that it is already playing in my subconscious.

So what has the family been up to this past chunk of time that makes summer minutes seem like seconds? Let me take a moment to review past summer days...

The daily routines consist of quiet breakfasts with Audrey and Daddy after mommy has gone off to work. Oatmeal or cereal and fruit are usually on the menu, although pancakes make an occasional appearance. Usually after that it is games, toys, blocks, drawing, painting, walks to the park, etc.

My stepfather (Ted) and his wife (Lisa) visited for a few days at the beginning of the month. It is always special when Audrey gets to see parts of my family. Grandpa Ted enjoyed having tea served to him by Audrey and also sharing some deep fried ice cream! We took several walks to different parks and got a chance to check out the neighborhood! One evening we attended a Kane County Cougars game, which was an absolute delight. While everyone watched the baseball, Audrey stood up between innings to see witness the comedic acts of the mascot, Ozzy the Cougar. The home team won and fireworks and a run around the bases were enjoyed after!

At the end of their stay, Grandma Dixie came to visit and watch Audrey for the night while Ted and Lisa took Kim and I downtown into Chicago for the U2 concert. While I am not a huge fan, I can definitely appreciate the production value of their show and the quality of their music. Before entering Soldier Field, we ate at 11 Diner and nearly everyone there was going to "The Show". The stage was indescribable, and the music was outstanding.


This dotted line represents about two weeks of time that has just passed since I started this entry. Time just moves differently during the summer.

After the U2 concert, we spend a short period of time getting the house organized and cleaned up and then we drove to South Bend for an evening and left Audrey with Grandma while Kim and I drove during the early morning hours to Savannah, Georgia. Officially attending a wedding, this was our unofficial vacation. The trip was actually our first vacation ever in terms of just having some time to be tourists and hold very little responsibility.

We rented a beach house on Tybee Island, about twenty minutes outside of Savannah. Between running on the Island and touring through the historic Victorian District, we had a lovely time. The hot, steamy weather was staved off with iced tea and afternoon naps on the island. We savored many delicious meals and shared many laughs with our friends. Having not role other than spectator for the wedding, it was a beautiful thing to only have to show up at the wedding and then dance and be merry!

The historic houses and beautiful squares are a pleasure to stroll around. We even took part in a haunted trolley tour on the Trolley of the DOOMED! Overall, our experience was exceptional and as we departed from the city listening to our audio book of "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil", I couldn't help but think that we will return at some point in the future to enjoy another helping of history and fried green tomatoes.

Now that we are back to our normal summer schedule, Kim is working hard and we are counting down the days until the arrival of our second daughter. While it is not official, "Violet" seems to be the leading name candidate. Audrey is full of energy and spirit and faces every day with determination to learn and explore and find joy in everything she does. These last couple weeks before I return to school will be met with time at the zoo, children's museum, and many different parks.

I continue to run with my neighbor and train for a marathon in October. While I will not be participating in the Chicago Marathon, I plan on running one of several held around the same time. I did participate in a seven mile race this weekend in Davenport, Iowa while we visited some friends out there. I have never participated in a race before, and this was an absolute treat, and I had a blast with all of the crowds, the runners, the music, and the post race activities.
So here we are, August 1st. In two weeks I return to school on an official capacity, and our family moves forward in preparations for a new child and finishing all small projects around the house before my time is transferred back to lesson plans and classroom activities. Many photos to be posted in the near future. But until then, it is time to get back to my summer and watch some Sports Center and sip coffee on the couch before Audrey wakes up.


Friday, July 1, 2011

A Perfect Summer Day

Playing at the water table

It has been extremely hot and muggy the past few days here in the Chicagoland area, and finding different ways to stay cool yet active during the waking hours can be challenging with a 2 1/2 year-old!

A couple days ago, after our morning dog walk/stroller/breakfast in the stroller ride to the park, Audrey and I headed to the DuPage Children's Museum for a morning of exploring. This is one of my favorite places to visit with Audrey, as it has many areas of science and mathematics to explore for young minds and keep hands busy! The tactile experiences are wonderful, and I always leave wondering how much it would cost me to install a 25-foot water table in my house!

After the museum, we headed home for a lunch of peanut butter sandwiches, apple slices, juice, and veggie-straws (kind of a cross between potato chips and french fries, minus all the trans fats!) With full bellies and brains, an afternoon nap was in order. Cool dreams took the place of a hot afternoon sun!

After nap time, Audrey and I found our way over to the library and checked out the music, movies, and of course the books. Next it was off around the corner to her new favorite little ice cream shop, where she now orders the vanilla "Kiddie Cone". With ice cream in hand, we stroll down main street and find a bench upon which to sit and observe the passing traffic of people and cars.

We end the evening with a walk/shoulder ride around the block and eventually back home to have dinner and a movie with mommy.

Summer is grand. Life is grand.

In the wind tunnel. Something about this picture evokes images of 2001: A Space Odyssey

Inserting glow sticks while experimenting with black light

Building a town while experimenting with shadows and moving light

Gravity + Spheres = Fun & Learning

Ending the day with the Kiddie Cone!