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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Don't question the answer.

A new feeling is in the air when one is wearing a t-shirt rather than winter jacket. Such has. Even the day with a trip to the Navy Pier Children's Museum in downtown Chicago. With sunny skies and a warm breeze, this Sunday has been a pleasant one. Our bellies are now full of sinful pizza leftovers from last night, and Violet is taking her bath time while I tap out this post on my phone.

There have been no real revelations as of late. Life does not present me with deep questions and soul searching currently. I am simply enjoying the act of being and the current routine of life. Work is great, with only a handful of weeks until summer break. My family from Arizona and Washington, DC are visiting early next month, and my wife and children are healthy and thriving. Why ask the big questions when all the small answers are right here in front of me?

We have enjoyed three museums in three weeks, starting with the Indianapolis Children's Museum, then the Museum of Science and Industry with cousins from Olympia, Washington, and now Navy Pier this week. The pictures today are courtesy of my iPhone, and will lack the true definition and artistry that my wife's photos bring to this blog. The pictures this week include ones with Uncle Stuart, Cousin Lisa, the entire Orelove/Turlove/Rainwater/Greenspon family contingent on the old car at MSI, and burger night at the Orelove house.

Sometimes you just don't need to ask questions when you have the answers.