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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Feeling the Breeze

There are times in my days right now where I get a tense, almost nauseous feeling in my stomach.  This is how I describe the first twinges of returning to my work as a fifth grade teacher.  These feelings are in no way related to how I actually feel about my job, which I love.  In fact, it is apparently quite common among teachers to get similar feelings at this point in the year.  In eight days, I will have the privilege of working with many young people to improve their understanding of the world and explore ideas and topics that are most fascinating, all while getting paid and enjoying every imaginable holiday under the sun.  So why these feelings in my gut?

The summer days have become a blur, with my daughters and wife rolling through them.  We have continued our adventures big and small.  Audrey has finished one solid month of swim lessons, and is well on her way to becoming a proficient swimmer.  Some more hours are required in the pool, but this is a task no one minds!  Violet is constantly exploring her surroundings, playing with toys, and trying new foods.  Her laugh is contagious and goofiness abounds in both girls.  Kim is being put to the test in her job, working hard hours and learning her new position quite quickly.  She takes her work very seriously, and I am pleased to see that while this new set of responsibilities has her motivated and more connected to her work.

While a trip out to see the Kane County Cougars minor league baseball team remains on my summer to-do list, pretty much everything else has been checked-off.  Long, mindless days of nothing....check.  Trip to Alaska and a marathon....check.  Lots of visits to zoos and museums....check.  Seeing friends and family....check.  Reading a few good books....check.  Play with my kiddos, watch movies, laugh a lot, nap....check 'em all.

While a transition back into a new school year is difficult on some emotional levels, it is important to recognize periods of change in our life.  A new school year is an essential element, as it brings new challenges, hope, inspiration, and allows me to use my past experiences to build upon the present.  There are many transitions we all have, and everyone also has their own personal transitions they face.  What is important is to recognize when change is happening, whether you are ready for it or not.  There are times that a change is necessary, and other times when it is not but we want it to happen.  So, I em brace this change back to the classroom, as it is going to happen either way, and maintain positive outlooks on my new year. As life zips by, I still do my best to feel the breeze.
