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Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Graduate

Audrey with her first diploma!  (photo by Kim)
Audrey graduated preschool this week.  We are so proud of her, words cannot truly express.  She had a fun ceremony with her classmates at her school.  It was strange being the parent for the first time at one of these proceedings.  We were laughing and smiling, and I tried to take it all in, beaming with pride in the back, just watching Audrey be happy and to really understand her accomplishments and be proud of her education.

Audrey and her best friend, Jack, during post graduation celebration.  

It has also been a difficult past week, as Audrey's great-grandmother, Ruth, passed away.  Audrey's middle name is Ruth, after her great-grandmother, and it was difficult to explain her passing to Audrey.  This week has been filled with stories about Ruth, laughter, tears, and a general feeling of love and sorrow.  Seeing lots of family that we don't get to visit with very often on Kim's side was nice, although our reason for gathering was heartbreaking.

Audrey:  The Graduate
The promise of summer awaits in just a couple short weeks for me and the girls.  I am not sure what plans we really have besides a lot of visits to the zoo and lots of running and biking for me.  Audrey begins kindergarten in the fall, and she is excited about it, already.  Kim is taking photographs at an amazing skill level.  I hope she chooses a theme and creates a collection and puts it on display.

Audrey decorates a composer to be sent to her Aunt Eden.
This weekend, as many, are spent in South Bend.  The warm weather is still taking some getting used to.  I still don't believe consecutive days of warmth and sun are possible after this last winter.  Today was spent preparing for, and celebrating some birthdays, Ann's retirement, and a few graduations!  There is something nice when family gets together to celebrate happy things, too.

Dixie and her granddaughters.
A small shout-out to my side of the family all over the country.  I do miss seeing you all, and I know that it is tough to gather or meet, but I hope that as the girls get older, we will begin to travel more and give us more opportunities to visit you!  I know that I don't always make enough time to call and chat or write enough, which is something I am still trying to get better at, but please know that you are in my mind and I have high hopes of seeing all of you at one point or another in the near future.  Meanwhile, there are little things from all of my family that are embedded in me that I am trying my best to instill in my daughters and continue to practice in my own life!


Violet "Frosting Fingers" Orelove and Audrey enjoy today's celebrations in sweet fashion.
Violet.  I am pretty sure I have posted this before, but it really captures my daughter's spirit to me.