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Friday, June 27, 2014

Live Via Phone-Camera

The last couple weeks have been a nice transition into summer.  I have been staying up later, sleeping in until 8am and getting some biking and running in when possible.  My days are now consumed with activities with my daughters and attempting some upkeep of the house, although that is usually put on the back burner.  I am reading some good books (thanks Dad) and letting go of the stress and intense emotions that come with the end of a school year.  We are looking forward to travels to Indiana and possibly St. Louis to visit friends and family.  We are looking forward to 4th of July celebrations, swimming in Lake Michigan, and a few more trips into the city to visit the zoo, museums, and more of Uncle Stuart!  Here are what little bits of life I have manage to capture on my phone camera over these past few weeks.

My family visiting Uncle Stuart in Chicago, at the original Orelove family house where my father grew-up.

Audrey and Violet on Kimball Ave.

We visited Indian Boundary Park with Uncle Stuart.  What a great day in the city!

Uncle Stuart gave a thumbs up for the photo and Violet grabbed it before I snapped this photo!

Violet and Uncle Stuart always bond well.  Here they are having a conversation before our deep dish pizza arrives for lunch.

"The Lou"-Tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, marinara sauce, cheese.  Chicago deep dish at its finest!

I made an impulse purchase of a tent at the store the other day.  Needless to day, I have awesome impulses!

Tent day in the living room.  This weekend, possibly a camp-out!

Craft time!  Audrey and Violet make a hand print stone for mommy during the day.  Violet does not like texture of the cement. 
Our first Kane County Cougars baseball game of the summer.  The girls got a squishy baseball at the gate!  What a beautiful night for a ballgame.

If you get a ball, you need a souvenir bat, too, right?   

Audrey and the blue slushie.  Refueling during the 7th inning, getting ready for fireworks at the end of the night.

Audrey got a foul ball!  What a night!

After the fireworks display, Audrey and Violet got to run the bases and play on the field after the game.

This morning, Audrey and Daddy being lazy bums in bed.  We have declared today "Lazy Bum and clean the house Friday" where we will go get some food, clean house, and watch movies all day in the tent.  I'd say that sounds like a summer day!

Monday, June 16, 2014


Violet in Summer

It is now summer.  The things I wish I could do, I am now fortunate enough to have the time to do them.  It is one of the greatest perks of working in education, behind working with young people and having the chance to reset my mindset each year as I receive a new group of students.

Blowing bubbles

The mornings are now a fresh start.  A clean slate, ready to be filled with activities...or just left blank if we feel like it.  Trips to the zoo,parks, city, and library are going to fill our time.  We will build blocks for naps and lunches and snacks.

Daddy/Daughter being lazy on the couch

Today Violet and I have visited the park, gone on dog walks, taken a glorious nap, feasted on berries, played tickle monster, and built some lego towers.   Audrey is off in Indiana with her grandmother for a few days, enjoying riding horses and endless garden and backyard time!

Audrey and a horse.
Audrey at riding lessons in Indiana

Last week, one of my best friends and his wife left for the airport after a short day visit on their way back to Alaska.  What a nice thing, to be able to just talk and have some laughs and enjoy a few hours together.  Audrey and Violet loved showing off their toys and playing host at our house, explaining rules and reading bedtime stories.  It is nice to have the opportunity to show off my children, and just let people know what we spend our days doing here in the burbs of Chicago.
Childhood friends:  Abel and Marcus (Audrey is photobombing us if you look closely)

Jodee and the girls, playing out front.

Jodee and the girls at Front Street Cantina in Plainfield.  Yum!  

As friends come and go, as well as family, I feel that we are tossing stones in a still pond, and our ripples that are our actions, pulsate throughout our small universes, colliding and reflecting off of each other.  Sometimes our actions will return to us, and other times not.  Different things throughout the day, whether thoughts, objects, sounds, or otherwise remind me of parts of my life, both recent and in the distant past.  These ripples are sometimes sweet, sometimes bitter, sometimes refreshing, and other times frustrating.  As I progress in this life, I try to be more considerate of the stones I throw out and of the ripples they may cause.

Daddy/Daughter being goofs.  Life is great.