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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Snow Run & Running Dream

I know these last couple posts are about my running more than the Orelove family, but it is just what is on my mind as of late.  The family stayed-in today as the first real snow of the winter season flurried outside.  I took what may be the last opportunity to run outside on pavement without worrying about slipping or injury.  The run was simple, with no music or headphones.  Just the snow falling all around, and the sound of flakes hitting the sidewalk.  The wind was picking-up, and reminded me to look for my long running pants soon!  As I ran, I thought back to a dream I had last night...also about running:

I was in a small town and signed-up to run the marathon there.  From the beginning, I was very stressed because I had mistakenly thought the run was on tomorrow, but it was actually TODAY!  My main objective in this dream was to find-out where to pick-up my running bib and information.  I was literally running around this small, imaginary town looking for the packet pick-up.  Besides being off by a day, I didn't know the name of the town I was in.  Every time I asked someone the name of the town, I didn't understand them and they just looked at me in confusion.  I must have asked ten different people the name of the town so I could put the information into my phone and find the race information, but I couldn't hear anyone and was completely lost.  The dream ended with me watching the marathon runners pass me by.  I was running against the rest of the race, like a salmon upstream, desperately trying to find my race information so I could join the run.

I don't know what this dream means.  I have been looking for a new goal or event to train for over the winter season, so maybe this is telling me that I feel lost at the moment and don't know where I am at the moment or what direction I want to move?  Maybe these dreams are more symbolic of larger life issues:   Where are we headed as a family?  How do I define myself as a person?

Or maybe I just need to exercise more.  I don't know.  No matter what, today was a nice run out there again by myself in the elements, running for the sake of running, rather than training for a race.  Sometimes completing something for its on sake is a reward in itself and should not be explored too deeply.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Night Run

The wind is picking up, but not enough to dissuade me from a night run.  The kids are asleep and the daily chores are done, and now it is time to escape for a little while.  My watch beeps in the night as the run begins.  It will track my position while I try to forget everything and just go.

The wind nips and pushes me as my legs begin to warm-up and feel the familiar pavement.  Bumps, cracks, uneven sidewalks, roots....all long-time friends of my runs, reminding me to be ever-alert as I press forward into the night.  Tonight I run without headphones or music, and just listen to the sounds in the darkness.

Yellow street lights are beacons I run towards, thankful for the brief blips of vision as I pass and move back into the shadows.  House after house I pass, each with their lights on, people inside, doing whatever it is they do before they sleep for the night.  The rhythm of the run is taking over.  My breaths and heartbeats blur with the passing of the houses and street lights.

My watch beeps to remind me of the miles as they pass, but it is distant.  Thoughts begin to fill my head, then leave once I give them a passing-over.  Thoughts about work, plans, life, kids, family, health, money..they all melt away after examination and contemplation.  I am left with myself, stripped away to the bare bones.  No falseness, no walls, no distractions.  This is where the run gets intense...not when I begin to sweat, but when I am all alone with myself.  There is nothing more honest than conversations with myself.  Self-examining and asking important questions.  Questioning my decisions and reinforcing the positive actions.

I am plunged into darkness as the run brings me to a street void of lights.  Only the partial moon peeking-out from behind fast-moving clouds provides me with muted shadows and glimpses of the ground I tread.  As I carve the miles, I carve my mind and body.  Everything is one now:  One motion, one breath, one beat, one step.  The tinder leaves cackle on the ground as I pass and the wind growls in a low chuckle of sorts.

A final turn and I find myself at the last stretch of my evening journey.  The park pond is icy black and the street lamp elongates my shadow until it looks like dark string passing over the grass.  At the doorstep, a final beep tells me I have returned and can save my run for posterity.  My breath returns and a slight cry for water can be heard somewhere in the back of my mind.  I look over my shoulder before crossing the threshold.  The moon glints a farewell, and the wind gives a final push, as if it is patting my back and saying, "Until next time..."

Sunday, November 2, 2014

November Welcome

Sisters at the playground.
Welcome November.  We felt your chilly fingers reaching for us at the end of October, and now your presence is seen and felt with the frozen grass and icy windshields in the morning.  While a drop in temperature seems to be your calling card, I also recognize that you bring Thanksgiving and many an afternoon spent snuggled under blankets reading a good book or napping a gray hour away.

Swinging in the sunshine on a fall afternoon.
It has been a busy last chunk of time in our family, with Halloween, a birthday, and general work taking-up much of our time!  Halloween was only two days ago, but it has become a two-week event around here.  Last week we completed our trick-or-treating in both Plainfield and Naperville.  It was nice to walk around the downtown areas and see local businesses and feel that we were in safe environments with lots for children to do and see.  It is also strange because visiting businesses for Halloween was never a thing when I was growing-up...although I also had to watch out for black bears during Halloween, I accept differences and embrace the change!

Slip sliding away.
It was a good idea to participate in Halloween festivities last week, as the actual Halloween day was fraught with very high winds, snow flurries, and sleet.  Needless to say, the girls did not go out in search of candy...and not too many other people did, either.  

Halloween.  Audrey is a monarch butterfly and Violet is Darth Vader. Here we are in Naperville next to a giant pig pumpkin!
The next day brought us all a chilly November morning, but we were in high spirits as it was Violet's birthday.  It is hard to believe that there is now a three-year-old running around our house now!  Violet has her own set of life rules, and is true to herself.  It has been such a gift to see Violet grow and learn about the world around her.  She brings a certain flair for life with her, and her honesty and passion for life are always evident!  I love you so much, my little kiddo!
The Pod.  Our new minivan.
Finally, with a new page on the calendar comes the countdown until Thanksgiving.  This year we will be driving our new minivan on our annual trip to Virginia!  We cannot wait to see the family and play and have adventures in Richmond!  The girls are already thinking about playing with Aunt Irene, chasing Sam and Emma around the yard, and exploring Carrytown again for another Christmas tree decoration!  So much to do, so little time!  If only November were longer.....


I guess this is a V-Rex?!?

Violet:  Just too cool.

Violet on a bench enjoying a snack of goldfish.