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Sunday, April 12, 2015

It was a Good Day

Yesterday was a good day.  My step-father, Ted, and his lovely wife, Lisa, have been visiting from Arizona.  On Saturday, we went to a minor league baseball game and then to our traditional Mexican restaurant, Front Street Cantina.   We ended the evening by playing at a nearby park.  It was a good day.


Grandpa Ted, Violet, and Lisa at the ballgame.  Go Cougars!!!

Violet after getting a tube of popcorn nearly as tall as her!

Audrey overloading on cotton candy.

Cool Violet is #1!!!

Audrey and Violet:  Sisters at the ballgame!

Audrey and Grandpa Ted have a tradition of ordering a deep-fried ice cream at Front Street Cantina.  Here is Audrey devouring a cherry.  Grandpa Ted isn't sure what he has gotten himself into!  

Playing Catch:  Audrey and Grandpa Ted play catch at the park.  This brought back a lot of memories of playing ball with him growing up.  It makes my heart happy to see this moment.

Being Still

Audrey at the Farm in South Bend

It is spring break!  This is normally a time for nonstop action, adventure, and fun activities with the family.  While we are still doing many things, I have been trying to take time for myself to reflect and just really take-in the events and activities around me.

Granny and Violet walking a log at the Farm

One of my favorite things about being a teacher is that every day is different, and nothing goes exactly to plan.  There are times when this works-out for a more enjoyable day, and other times where it is just crash and burn with some lessons.  Working with young people is truly a great experience, and makes me excited for each day.  There are times, for most teachers I am sure, that a period of quiet is desired.  Fortunately, I have been allowed such times throughout each year.  Recently, though, it has been a challenge to find that quiet space with the process of getting our house ready to sell, spending time with my own children, and all the other little things that make-up daily life.

Violet getting a wagon ride!

Taking some time to take stock of life has been on my mind lately.  I have been sitting and watching my children play, really trying to listen to them and absorb what they are saying.  Walking around my house and neighborhood and appreciating all of the things that make it a nice place to live, and why we moved here in the first place.  Sitting on the couch in the morning and scratching my dog's ears and giving her a treat is also a peaceful activity.

Audrey's new bed!

We often spend so much time thinking forward and looking at the future, that we forget to recognize all the things in our lives right now that make it great.  Being still and recognizing all that I have is important.  While we have big plans for our little family, it is critical to acknowledge all of the things that have gotten us to this point.  We are fortunate to have such supportive family both near and far.  We are lucky to have good health and access to healthcare whenever we need or want it.  We are thankful for living in a nice home and having food on the table every night.  We love our jobs and find joy in doing them well.  While this is all cliche for many people, it is important to take a little time to really absorb how important all of these things are.

Violet painting the house!

With so many moving pieces in our lives, being still and taking-in all that is really happening is critical.  When you stop....REALLY stop whatever it is you are doing, and just observe, the still can give you time to breathe, time to think, and time to just BE.

Audrey painting the house!

Family has been visiting this week, and our days are filled with activity and small trips and laughs and games.  The girls getting to spend time with family they don't get to see very often is a special thing.  We are enjoying this time to make new memories, talk about our past, and also our futures.  Getting to talk with my parents and family about life, and listening to their advice and accounts of their own lives really takes-on new meaning now that I have a family of my own.  Parenting tips are now greatly appreciated in many cases!  I also have a great appreciation for all of their efforts to enrich and better my life growing-up!

Now it is Sunday evening, and the sun is setting on the last day of spring break.  This blog post has been pecked-away at on-and-off for a several days.  Our little house is quiet, and laundry tumbles in the next room while the dog snoozes near an open window.  A robin sings his song outside in the distance somewhere and the breeze pushes gently into the room.  My slight sunburn from sitting out at a ballgame yesterday keeps me heated despite the slight chill in the air.  This last bit of time that I have been still and listening and absorbing has truly made an impact.  I feel fuller in a sense, more ready for tomorrow.  Filling my thoughts about the people and events and things around me has made me a little more competent, I hope.  I know that tomorrow I will be in front of a class of students, giving advice and information, running curriculum and directing our day.  Tomorrow I will not be still, but always moving, and fluid.  I will be talking, speaking, whispering, laughing, joking, informing...not quiet.  That is why having some time to just be and to readjust my perspective on life will always be so important.

My you all find the time to be still.
