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Monday, September 7, 2015


I am sitting in an oil change station having a headlight replaced on my car.  Today is Labor Day and the rest of the family is still asleep at home, but I needed to get this headlight repaired before we hit the road again.  While it is only one headlight, I have been mentally tripping over it again and again even when I am not driving.  There is something about knowing I can address something small right now, that could prevent a major problem later on if left unattended.  

Like many things in life, working on something small and immediate will have big payoffs later or over the course of time.  Going for a run now will make me stronger and healthier later.  Reading to my kids now helps them become more literate sooner.  Being kind to people now helps to build positive relationships that will be useful in the future.  

So even though I am stuck listening to some daytime talk show in a garage waiting room on my Labor Day holiday, I know I am doing something that will keep my family safe as we move forward both literally and figuratively.