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Sunday, June 19, 2016

A Break from the Shiny Things

I don't get to see my father or step-father very often these days.  The time in life keeps moving quickly, and actually seems to be speeding-up.  Today I sit and wonder where it has all gone, and why I haven't found more time to communicate and visit my family.  Getting to be a dad is my favorite all-time thing.  There are some tough things, so far....but mostly it is supremely excellent.  There are a lot of things I think about when I think about my dad and my step-dad.  For my dad, I think about his independence and being in Alaska and marching to his own tune.  He raised me to have a sense of humor and allowed me to find my own path to follow.  He took me traveling and showed me a variety of different lives that people lived.  My step-dad infused my life with structure and responsibility and sports.  We found common ground throwing a baseball and working to meet my academic goals and learning how to structure my own life.  I cannot imagine my life without them, and hope that we will soon get to spend time together, as it has already been too long.  With that being said, happy Father's Day!

The last period of time has been one away from a lot of the habits and routines that I have grown accustomed to over time.  I finished the school year, but am now administrating summer school and enrichment programs.  There really is no summer break.  While I knew that, it is still a strange thing to not have a large chunk of time away from work.  Spending time with my children is now something I have to plan and work at, which is frustrating.  I am looking forward to my sister visiting at the end of the month and truly taking a few days to just be with family and enjoy some summer!

The girls have been doing really well.  I have had some time to spend with Violet while Audrey was in Indiana at horse riding camp!  It is nice to allow them time to be independent of each other and just let their personalities come out more.  Violet and I spent a few days lounging and playing outside and just enjoying time together.  She loved picking a movie each night to watch on the big screen!  Audrey spent some quality time with Grandma Dixie and learned even ore about horses and riding technique.

Now we are all back together.  We have had a weekend with family from Indiana visiting and celebrating birthdays.  It was nice to have a full house and have people see our new place!  Hopefully my sister will enjoy it, too, when she visits in a couple weeks!  For now, we are cleaning up, getting ready to watch the NBA finals, and enjoy a quiet evening together.  We are all just now waking up from a nap, which was much-needed after some late nights and a trip to Lego Land today with our cousins!  So happy Father's Day, and a nice evening to all.