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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Deep Snow

It has snowed over a foot in the last 24 hrs.  We are nestled in our house enjoying a long weekend, as School was canceled on Friday.  

Life continues moving forward and we have battled through a stomach bug and possible the flu in the last week.  Nothing like a microscopic virus to humble one and make one thankful for good health.  

This weekend will involve yet more cleaning and some more school work and grading.  The midterm has arrived and I am desperately attempting to keep my head above water in terms of paperwork!  

I am actually writing this in Warden Dojo as Violet prepares for her green belt taekwando test!  We are so proud of her, and she has worked hard.  

As more snow promises to arrive later tonight, we take a deep breath, continue with the work and enjoyments of the day, and look for the small moments to enjoy.