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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Grey Spring

The days are happing by.  The kids are on spring break, while mine is next week.  The cold seems to be slowly releasing us, although the wind sometimes whips a chill at me and reminds me we are not yet completely clear of winter.   

Sleep, wake, work, play, eat...repeat.  Life is simple and wonderful.  Sam is babbling nonstop and they are sure to become words sooner or later.  

Oskar the dog is learning the ropes and his place on the family totem pole.  We take many walks and he is quite the goofy character.  While I know the “puppy phase” will pass, it is quite tiring at times.  

We grow and we love.  

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Marching on

Welcome Oskar to the family!

Our little family has expanded by one.  Oskar has joined our lives.  He is a 12 week old lab mix (we think boxer) and has quickly found his way into our hearts....although the potty training has tested us a couple times!  Many more photos to come, I am sure.  For now, we are enjoying this introductory phase and learning how to live with a puppy.  The girls are over-the-moon with him, and Sam shares his toys and tries to play, although he does not like the puppy nipping sometimes.  

Sam and Dad Selfie

For now, we find ourselves in the month of March, which is teasing us with some sunshine and warmer temperatures...then bringing them right back to freezing.  The added sunlight is nice, and motivates me to get out to run more...which is helping in preparation for Grandmas' Marathon in Duluth in June!  Also on the calendar is the Shamrock Shuffle later this month in Chicago, and the Flying Pig Half Marathon in May in Cincinnati.

Audrey dentist visit!

Violet makes going to the dentist cool.

Sam snack!

Other than that, our daily lives of school and work and LEgenda of Zelda continue.  Violet has moved-up the ranks once again in Taekwando as a Green Belt!  Audrey continues her successful academic career, and possible swimming classes are in their near future!  Spring break is on the horizon as we continue to March onward as a family.

Oskar nap

Watching Oskar eat for the first time.

Violet Dad Selfie

The Grandma's Marathon training zip arrived!  Lots of motivation!
