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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Spring Break Reflections

This week is my own spring break.  The kids and Kim were off last week, and this is my chance to have a few days to just relax and have some time at home to myself.  It is peaceful...the quiet...and I have been running every morning and going to the YMCA to hit the sauna.  It is a nice gift to have a little time to just be.  Dog walks are also included in my routine.  Now I am enjoying the couch and some time to blog before the pizza in the oven is done!

As I was running on the treadmill this morning, I could see my face in the mirror.  I always find it interesting to look...I mean really look and study my face from time-to-time.  I know that time passes, and life moves forward, but I was really noticing my crows feet at the corner of my eyes and the somberness of my look.  It was just a moment of clarity where I understood how much time has passed in my life, and it made me pause in thought to consider where I am and take stock in all that I am fortunate to have in my life.

It also made me look towards the future a little bit, and think about my career, where I want to be when I finish, and how I want to proceed with the next phase of my life.  I know that raising my children is going to really take the next 20 years, but I also considered things like where I might want to live after they are all out of the house...what I want to see in this world...and the things I want to accomplish in my life.

These things are not items I will write about now...but it is a good feeling to be able to have the time to just think about them, and consider the future and reflect on the past.  This is why these breaks are so nice for me.  So, as I get ready to enjoy a pizza in the quiet of my house, I give thanks and look forward to all the things that are to come in life.
