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Monday, June 18, 2018

Grandma’s Marathon

This last weekend, our little family traveled up to Duluth, Minnesota.  Well, actually, we traveled to Iron River, Wisconsin...right next to Duluth.  Several months ago, I signed up to run Grandma's Marathon.  In 2012, when I was in the corral for my first marathon in Chicago, I asked runners around me their favorite marathon, and almost everyone told me:  Grandma's.  I didn't know what they were talking about, but quickly learned about this run up in Duluth.  It has always been on my bucket list, but I never found the time to get up North...until this year.

With a quick reservation on AirBnb, we had a lodge in Iron River, Wisconsin that the girls would love....right on a lake with lots of outdoors to explore....also way more affordable than anything in Duluth, which basically triples the price of all hotel rooms for marathon weekend.  So for 1/3 the price and a 45 minute drive, we had a two bedroom lodge with a kitchen and living room!

We left Chicago on Thursday evening and arrived around 2am Saturday morning.  We had no problem finding the lodge and getting in.  After waking up, we drove to Duluth to hit the expo and play tourist in the city.  I had already had the bib mailed to me, but the girls were excited to see all the action and maybe get some free cowbells!

While at the expo, an intense thunder storm covered the much so that we could not leave the expo due to lightning strikes.  However, after a little while, we made a dash to the original Grandma's Restaurant for lunch with the hosts of my favorite running podcast, Marathon Training Academy.  That's right, Angie and Trevor were in town and running the marathon.  They arranged a get together for listeners who were in town for the weekend.  It was a treat to meet them in person, and they were both very nice and made sure to shake hands and chat with everyone there (which was about 15 people during the time I was there).  I also sat next to this cool guy from St. Paul who was super fast and just had a great positive energy.

By the end of lunch, the storm had subsided, so we milled around town and ultimately found ourselves down on the lakefront where the kids had a time just playing with the rocks and sticks and experimenting by wading up to their ankles in Lake Superior.  Watching them play contently was so satisfying, and made me feel at peace.

We grabbed a pizza on the way home from Pizza Luce.  After our drive back to the lodge, the pizza was a fine way to end the evening and give me those last carbs before race morning.

I woke up at 4am, got ready and departed for the Holiday Inn near Duluth, where I hopped on a bus that took runners to the start line.  The thing about Grandma's is that it starts northeast of Duluth in a town called Two Harbors.  From there, runners race along the lakeside back into Duluth.  We arrived at the start with plenty of time, so much so that I took a nap in the parking lot until the anthem and start of the 42nd annual Grandma's Marathon.

There is something intense about the start of a marathon.  Yes, I was near the back and we had to wait once the gun went off...but walking towards the start line, the realization truly dawns that one is about to go through an experience like none other.  The next period of time will involve sweat, smiles, pain, cramps, meditation, focus, worry, fear, doubt, and ultimately celebration.

The race was all of those things.  On a gray, overcast day, the lake provided a cool breeze the entire run.  It was never hotter than low 60's.  After mile 15, I began spiraling and could feel my legs needing a break.  I knew that this was inevitable because I had not trained completely, and the marathon always finds the weakness in every runner.  I had a strong hydration and nutrition strategy, so I never felt depleted, but my legs were not ready for the full 26.2 miles.  I persevered, using walk breaks every mile.  The community was out and cheering the entire way.  Duluth and Two Harbors families were out in their driveways cheering, clapping, playing music, and holding signs.  Some even handed out bananas, oranges, pineapple, candy, water, beer, pickle juice, and ibuprofen.

I finally finished in downtown Duluth, and enjoyed a few quiet minutes of reflection and feeling grateful that my body could make it through another marathon, despite the lack of training.  I snagged some chocolate milk and a blueberry bagel along with my race medal and finisher's shirt, then hobbled back onto the return bus to the hotel.

After a shower and change into clean clothes, I headed BACK into Duluth with the entire family to continue being tourists.  We ate at the Duluth Grill (highly recommended).  We returned to Grandma's Restaurant to buy some shirts, and walked around town and then back to the lakefront for a few more minutes of skipping rocks. 

The return trip back to the lodge was marked by some intense driving though another thunder and lightning storm.  It stormed the entire night, and we had some difficulty getting out of Iron River due to the number of downed trees and flooded streets!

Ultimately, though, we hit the highway and had a relaxing trip home, with a brief stop in Wisconsin Dells to grab some mango beer from Spreker's.  We got home in the evening, and basically fell into bed.  What a weekend!  The next day, we enjoyed spaghetti that included a purchased jar of Grandma's Marathon Marinara Sauce!

The family  agreed that we should return to Duluth again.  Maybe next time I will just do the half marathon.  :-)
Audrey and Violet explore to boat dock at our lodge in Iron River, WI.
At the expo in Duluth, MN
This is Dale (I think) and he was super cool!
We were so excited to meet Angie and Trevor, the hosts of our favorite running podcast!  They were very nice!  
Mommy and Sam at Grandma's
Audrey and horse statue outside of Grandma's
Enjoying water sculpture in downtown Duluth.
Waterfront boardwalk next to Lake Superior.
Yes....Lake Superior is cold.
Watching my children play.
Sam at Lake Superior
Violet was curious about the locks on these logs.
Famous bridge in Duluth.
Girls and fisherman statue.
Outside of the original Grandma's!
Fun time in Duluth!
At the start of the marathon.  Note the train in the back.  Runners could take the train to the start line!  
My favorite thing at the end of a race...chocolate milk!
Gotta have my bling at the end.  This is marathon #6!  
Sporting our Grandma's swag at the end of the night!
Quick stop at Sprecher's on the way home.
The next day, Sam enjoyed playing in the water and relaxing in our backyard!
Added my bib to the run
Printed a picture of our meeting with Angie and Trevor, and added it to the running wall.
The updated running wall!  Running out of space!

Our spaghetti dinner at home with Grandma's Marathon Marinara.  Good times!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Photo Dump

Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.
Jack's BBQ in Nashville, TN road trip with my buddy, James.  Beef Brisket, beans, mac n cheese. 
The Parthenon in Nashville, TN.

Most of my amazing teaching team this year at Hadley.  I am very fortunate to work with such talented educators!  
My running wall:  a collection of pictures, bibs, and posters to remind me of what running has done for my life.  
Double chocolate chip cookies!