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Friday, July 6, 2018

Summer flow

Summer is in full-swing and we are finding the little things to enjoy each day.  Since the marathon, we have had a couple trips to South Bend and a lot of time in our home.  Aunt Eden made a trip from Washington, DC to visit.  We also were lucky enough to meet-up with Uncle Fred and Uncle Stuart!  Each day is simple in terms of plans, with only a thing or two that truly needs to be accomplished, and the rest is to do as we please.  It is a sweet time that I know will not last for much longer, and I am trying to recognize the time I have with my family.  Here are some pictures from our last few weeks:

Violet and Dad at the Brookfield Zoo
Violet has a butterfly land on her shoulder.
Sam and Dad on the carousel.  
Audrey and Violet on the boat in the Swamp at Brookfield Zoo.
Audrey on the carousel.
Napping Sam.  I love our naps!
Audrey and Sam at the Chicago Botanical Gardens.
Violet at the Chicago Botanical Gardens.
Aunt Eden and Violet.
Violet, Aunt Eden, Audrey, and Uncle Fred.
It was so nice to meet up with Uncle Fred and Uncle Stuart at the Chicago Botanical Gardens while Aunt Eden was visiting.
Lily Pads.
Uncle Fred and Uncle Stuart get some new info about peppers.  This guy really knew his peppers!
Having a laugh at the end of the day in front of the Corpse Plant!  
We had a chance to visit Aunt Bobbie at the end of the day.
Aunt Bobbi, Eden, and Uncle Fred.
Sam, not quite ready to call it a night at the fire pit.
The Orelove kids playing in the front yard.
Go Cubs Go!  My first trip to Wrigley in a long time!  Great Seats!
Only the company was better than the game!
Aunt Eden got to see Violet spar in Taekwando!
We vacationed at Indiana Beach with the Grill Family.  Violet got to go behind the counter to see how a corn dog was made!
Audrey and Sam on the Boar Ride.
Violet and Samantha on the Boar Ride.
Train planter.
Sunshine through the roller coaster.  The sound of the wooden roller coaster was wonderful!
Jon LOVES the tacos there.  He ha at least 10 during our trip!
Audrey and the roller coaster.
View of the park from a bridge.
Audrey and Dad waiting to go on the Ferris Wheel.  
Audrey up high on the Ferris Wheel.
Indiana Beach.
Violet won some games!
The Orelove and Grill children showing off their winnings on the last night at Indiana Beach!