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Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve

Ir is a special time of year, when we enjoy the Christmas holiday.  While tomorrow there will be a seemingly endless period of unwrapping gifts, it is more satisfying to simply enjoy being around my family and watch my children and wife have fun and be happy.

The first few days of winter break have been spent simply resting, watching shows, short walks in the cold, and naps.  Tonight we wrap gifts while Kim makes another fantastic Christmas Eve beef wellington.  Tomorrow morning we will wake early and open gifts at our hos bring me, then drive to Indiana for two more Christmas celebrations with Kim's family.

The lights at night are my favorite part of the holiday season.  While it is dark and cold, the colored lights and displays bring a feeling of happiness as we drive in silence.  How lucky we all are, to have each other, be alive, and healthy.  Truly, there is nothing I could possibly want more than health and happiness for all of my family.  I am so thankful for this.  Tonight the kids go to sleep with visions of gifts for tomorrow.  Tonight I will fall asleep, thankful for the gifts I have already.


Looking up at our tree.
Sam:  Professional lounger
Sam lounging with his show in the evening.
My first attempt at cinnamon rolls.  Not too bad!
Violet and Sam snuggling on the couch.
My coteacher got me an FBI mug, which is now part of my coffee mug collection!
Pecan sea salt caramel thumbprints.
Mexican Hot Chocolate cookies.
Chubby Chip cookies (baking powder instead of baking soda)
Peanut butter cookies. 
Sam and Oskar after a long walk.
A picture of my dad in his 20's.  Wow!
Sam and Oskar chilling on the floor.
Violet helping decorate Christmas cookies when Granny visited!
Coffee from Virginia.  Thank you Uncle Fred and Aunt Irene!
Our tree.
A boy and his dog.
Audrey and her book from Uncle Fred and Aunt Irene.
Sam and his book from Uncle Fred and Aunt Irene.
Violet and her book from Uncle Fred and Aunt Irene