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Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day and Life

Words escape me here.... 
This morning has started quietly, with coffee and some time on the couch before the rest of the house wakes up.  It is Mother's Day, and the girls will be taking Kim to a movie, and then a steak dinner will be awaiting them when they return.  I do not know what I did to deserve Kim in my life, but I am thankful each day that she is with me.  My children, my life in Illinois, my sanity (at times) are all gifts from her.  

Quiet pizza night in the Orelove household.  
We are nearly at the midpoint of May, and we are starting to check the calendar and contemplate plans for summer.  While we still have a little ways to go, it will be here in a blink.  We are poised to spend a lot of time on walks, running, going to the zoo, and our library, as well.  Besides seeing family, my other goals for summer include getting back into real running shape and seeing a few new minor league baseball teams in the area.  

Uncle Fred and Aunt Irene visited us!  We had a wonderful morning in Naperville, and are thankful for those few hours together!  
So now it is Sunday, and the family is waking up.  Kim is opening cards and gifts from the girls, and Sam is enjoying his milk and cereal.  A dog walk and morning run are on the horizon for me, and then the regular Sunday business of laundry and cleaning are in order.  It is nice to take a moment and look around the living room and see so many things to be thankful for. 

What a life.


Sam and Davey!  Such characters.

Goofy guys.

Sam sporting his Chicago Cubs jersey in honor of Uncle Fred!

The Brothers Orelove.  Joel and Fred.

Zayde and his grandchildren in Naperville.

Uncle Fred chatting with Violet at Andersons Book Store.

Audrey and Sam playing with trains at the book store.

Aunt Irene and the Orelove kids at the Dr. Seuss statue outside of the Napervile library!

Coffee at Sparrow Coffee in Naperville.  We love this coffee!

Dad and girls go to Avengers at the Hollywood Palms theater!  

First fire of the summer.  Feels good.

We love our backyard.  So many many more to come.

Sam fell asleep his chair.

Sam in the backyard.

We love fires in the fire pit!

Oskar demanding attention.

The girls found a dove hiding under our tree.