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Sunday, June 9, 2019

Summer Begins

Cookies to help get my team through the last week of school!

Today is Sunday.  While I still have an institute day tomorrow, it now feels like summer.  On Friday we said goodbye to the students, and I have spent the weekend taking a step back and breathing deeply.  We have already had a couple fires in the fire pit, slept in until (gasp) 7:30, and watched a barrage of movies.  

The next few weeks will be all about finding the rhythm and routine of summer.  I am running again, and have my first half marathon in a couple weeks.  Today, maybe we will get a calendar and start mapping-out times, dates, and details for all of the events we know are happening this summer.  Things like visiting Alaska and driving to Minnesota give me excitement and happiness in the anticipation.  Getting to see my step-father and step-mother in July is going to be a treat!  Just a lot of happiness and family and friends this summer, which will be good for my spirit.

So, away we go...into the abyss that is Summer.  It is time to embark on adventures and exploration outside of school and work.  Books, movies, baking, running, events, music, naps....all await us as we propel forward into June.  News and updates to follow.  For now, though, I will try to decide whether to got for a walk or mow the lawn...


At a South Bend Cubs baseball game with my brother-in-law, Mark.  It was a lot of fun!

Cool kids zone at the Cubs game.  

Met the mascots at the game!  Fun times!

Violet getting her brown belt!  So proud!

Hanging with Sam in the minivan.  Love this little guy.

This is summer.  

Violet and Sam playing in the grass.

Last day of school for these two.  Now we officially have a fifth and second grader!  

Smores = summer