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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Return to Fall

The dog is next to me, snoring lightly, as I jot down the thoughts in my mind.  Sam is on the couch opposite me, still partially asleep after his breakfast of eggs and blueberries.  It is barely 8am, and the rest of the house is quiet save for the cartoons playing on tv at a very low volume.  The coffee is starting to kick in, and I am feeling motivated to accomplish much on this Saturday before I give-in to the temptations of movies and naps.

The summer has ended, although blue skies and warm weather are still projected for a while.  There is a coolness in the air.  Not cold, but slightly flipping the pillow over in the middle of the night.  School has started again, so the kids and I are all back to our nightly routines and early wake-ups.  I enjoy teaching and working with my team, and we are set to have another great year together.  The more time that passes, the more thankful I am for having the opportunity to return to teaching rather than administration.  The time I am allotted for my family is priceless, and I very much enjoy interacting with students on a classroom level.  There are all of the usual challenges with getting items covered and ensuring that learning is happening, but there are opportunities to also share and connect on a social level.  I love getting to weave the fabric of the classroom community and ensure all voices are heard.

Still, though, I look back at this summer with fond memories.  I miss Alaska very much, and all of my friends.  The trip to Juneau with Violet was a reminder about how special my hometown is.  The weather was fantastic, although close to eighty degrees and no rain was a bit startling, too.  It is strange to hear locals complain about nice weather, but also a bit scary to consider the climate change and the diminished Mendenhall Glacier.  My trips are always too short, but I am always better for having spent the time with my friends.  It was hard to leave, but knowing that Violet had a great time and we made the most of everything brought some sense of satisfaction.

With gratitude for the summer, we now turn our sights forward, and begin to anticipate things to come.  We will be fortunate enough to attend both a wedding and Thanksgiving again in Richmond!  The fall weather is the best running weather and I am back on track for another half marathon in mid October or November.  Getting back in shape and getting to see family are both highly motivating and fill me with excitement!  The girls are enjoying school and looking forward to the challenges and rewards their education brings.  Violet will belt test next week, and she is practicing hard and will be successful if she maintains her dedication and focus.

Today has been productive yet restful.  With the long holiday weekend, we find ourselves tucked-in at home.  Mowing the lawn, cleaning the house, getting some laundry done...all good things to make us appreciate the nice house we live in and the luxuries we often overlook in our day-to-day lives.  After a nap, the skies opened and it rained for a solid hour.  Now the last few drops touchdown as the sun sets behind grey skies.  A quiet evening with a movie and perhaps a dog walk await us, and the rest of the family are currently finding leftovers for dinner.  The windows are open and a cool, fresh breeze clears the inside air and brings a sense of calm to our evening. 

And so it shall go until bedtime, I imagine.  Tomorrow brings a long run, more laundry, maybe a trip to the zoo.  For now, though, it is time to enjoy an evening together watching a movie and letting the cool evening air draw us closer to our inevitable slumber.
