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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A Month Together

The virus pandemic has absolutely brought the world to a standstill.  Politicians argue and blame as people die.  Money is clearly held above the lives of people for many governments around the world.  While there are many good deeds and acts of humanity and kindness brought about by millions, it is quite apparent that decisions are being greatly influenced or even dictated by corporations and powerful, wealthy elites. 

This time has been a strange blessing in many ways, though, for our family.  The time together in our house has brought us closer together.  We have found routine during a time where everyone is struggling to find normalcy.  It is a strange feeling to be sitting, laughing with my children while so many suffer throughout the world.  We are lucky to have our jobs, as the economy collapses around us.  We are blessed to have enough. 

I walk our dog, Oskar, twice a day, and have been running again on a regular basis.  We play outside, do chores around the house, tend to the endless piles of dishes and laundry, and clean and organize throughout the day.  Puzzles are a new source of entertainment for me, and I am excited to begin a Ghostbuster jigsaw tomorrow!  So for now we stay, sheltered in place, keeping each other company and in good spirits.  There is so much uncertainty, but I am doing my best to embrace the quiet and remain humbled and thankful for all that I am given.
