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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Almost Summer

I keep thinking that I need to write more.  Every day has presented an opportunity for me to write, or read, or rest.  We are still at home, still avoiding people and places as best as we can.  Spring has melted into summer...or at least almost summer.  The weather touches the 70's, and promises even higher this weekend.  Lawn mowers are out, kids are on bikes, and patio furniture is scattered all over cement slabs in backyards everywhere.

Audrey is officially a 6th grader, and will be headed into middle school in the fall, and Violet is now in 3rd grade.  It is amazing to see them work their way through a pandemic and still remain calm and enjoy our time together as a family.  I finish my school year next week...I think.  With no clear path back to "normalcy", I have questions as to whether or not we will reconvene in person in the fall.

For now, though, that is out of my hands.  I find myself saying that a lot these days.  What can I control or impact?  What do I have no control over.  These are two questions that I need to ask myself more often.  With so much uncertainty, I find myself constantly looking for things I can depend on, things I can fix, things I can predict accurately.  That is why cooking, and puzzles, and running are so satisfying during these times.  I can control if I run, and how far.  I know that every piece of the puzzle has its place. 

Now I sit, watching the temperature rise, while Sam enjoys his scrambled eggs and a classic Mickey Mouse cartoon.  My family is healthy.  Summer is slowly rising.  The day is open ahead of us.  Nothing is planned.  Nothing is certain.  For once, I find myself OK without structure.
