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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Finishing the year


Audrey made challah bread from scratch all by herself!  

The year is coming to a close.  It has been a wonderful and difficult year.  COVID has changed the entire way we live.  We shop differently.  We spend time differently.  We operate as a family differently.  
It has really been a fantastic time together, slowly growing together, learning and laughing...and fighting at times. We are closer now, but feel so isolated from our friends and family.  

Sam recently turned four years old, which comes as a complete surprise to me.  He is so smart and figures things out quickly, and loves to cause general mayhem with the dogs.  It will be wonderful to see him going to school and learning and playing with other children.  For now, though, we are content.  The girls continue to learn remotely and we are all now on winter break!  Our days are filled with playing and walking and feeding our new puppy, Luna.  She is a ball of energy and can match Sam for crazy playtime, but she is also a sweetheart.  

It has also been a difficult year, in terms of health.  Our dear Uncle Stuart passed away earlier this year, and my mother is also very sick right now.  It is hard to not be able to help people when they are sick.  It is difficult.  The love and support from everyone helps, and hopefully I will have a few more days to see my mom and reminisce before it is her time to leave this mortal coil.  

For now though, we all just slow down and breathe and do our best to just be.  


Going on a trip somewhere...but we are glad to get out of the house.  

Audrey with the google eyes.  

Violet and Sam walking in the field.

Wide show of Violet and Sam in the big field.

Oskar just being Oskar.

Luna taking a nap.

Luna looking out the window.

Violet on a walk

Audrey put flavored water into shoes and said that water was running down the stairs.  She is so funny.  I don't know where she gets it.  

Movie time with my kiddos.

Sam lights the electric menorah on the first night of Hanukkah!

Sam watches his favorite show, Nailed It!, while wearing his golden baker's cap.  

Kim picked a great new coffee maker.  We now drink all the coffee.

White chocolate cranberry cookies

Mexican hot chocolate cookies.
