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Monday, June 14, 2021

Getting Back

 A lot of time has passed since the last post.  Life has happened...and life has also stopped happening.  The period of COVID-19 is slowly coming to an end.  With vaccinations now available nation-wide, and Illinois has officially entered "Phase 5" which basically means return to your life.  

It is now summer, and finishing the year was difficult.  We have had a lot of ups and downs as a school and district.  Teaching during this time has been both challenging and rewarding.  It truly felt like we all survived something bigger than all of us.  I kept telling students that this year will be in the history books, and they will be asked about it for a long time to come.  

While this is the second full week of summer break, it really feels like today is the beginning of break.  Family from all over began arriving the day after our final day, and we were very busy greeting guests and enjoying time to visit with so many special people who were attending Uncle Stuart's memorial.  It was a short and sweet memorial, with a nice lunch provided our cousins up north.  

So here we find ourselves in June on summer break.  I will try to be better with updates and the on-goings of the Orelove family.  More adventures to come as we open back up both as a community, and for me, personally.
