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Sunday, January 30, 2022

Just a Little Bit More

Sitting in the recliner on a cold, cold Sunday morning.  The dogs are pacing...well at least Luna is.  She has a lot of energy, but Oskar seems content to laze by the fire with me.  Breakfast has been consumed for the dogs, and my egg bake cups (scrambled eggs baked in a muffin tin with a little cheese added) are about 12 minutes away from perfection in the oven.  A hot cup of coffee sweetened by some insanely high caloric creamer sits on the end table.  It is January, and the holidays have past.  I did end up making the calendar and sending it out.  I also was lucky enough to distribute it to a lot of family at Cousin Sam's wedding on New Year's.  It seems that so much has happened since my last post.  Here is a quick rundown:

1)  Christmas was nice, and we had a long winter break from school this year.  COVID kept some family from attending in Indiana...but it was still a nice, quiet time with lots of lights and family time.

2)  Sam and Hannah were married in Kansas City on New Year's.  It was a wonderful event, filled with love and friendship.  It was special to be a part of the event, and Sam and Hannah live in hopefully many visits and a continued relationship close is always a nice thing to look forward to!

3)  It was my 42nd birthday!  Nothing crazy, just grateful to be here and enjoy life with my family and watching them grow up!  

4)  Violet and I have been taking taekwando together for a few months.  She has been working hard on her high red belt, and is finally setting her eyes on preparation for black belt.  She has been really working hard and rededicating herself to her craft, and it has inspired me to work hard in my white and yellow belt form.  I enjoy very much watching Violet lead warm-ups and am just so proud of her work in the arena.

So there it is for now.  A quick, but overdue, update.  The rest of today promises a classic Sunday morning of sleeping-in (for the kids and wife), laundry, coffee, and maybe a few miles on the treadmill if I can muster the motivation!  A frosty hello to all out there who may happen to come across this post!  Spring is not far off, and the sun is shining!
