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Saturday, June 11, 2022

Into Summer

 Too long has it been.  We are into our first week of summer vacation/break.  The school year was a success for Violet, Sam, and Audrey.  All are moving forward in their academic careers, and doing very well.  We are so proud of them!  Life continues to move at an outrageous pace, with Violet continuing her sports and athleticism, as well as deep dives into science and technology.  Audrey is focused on friends and the endless battle with cleaning her room.  Sam is learning to read, graduated preschool, and loves to accompany me to the park and play during Violet's soccer practices.  Kim is working as hard as ever, and looks on longingly as we all get summer break.  She gets some time, and will be able to have some adventures, too, as the temperatures climb.

The first week of summer is always one of transition.  The COVID pandemic is over in terms of public fear, and it is nice that the government has taken away most mandatory regulations.  Currently we are having the late night, eat junk, no rules first week of break.  It is like the Wild West for the first few days around here.  Next week will bring something resembling order with mandatory activities such as walks, hikes, the library, zoo, etc. 

For now, we get to just float on the early summer current and let it take us all out to sea for a while.  I am enjoying not setting an alarm clock, and have actually made it to 6am sleeping!  Coffee and a little quiet time are always appreciated on these summer mornings.  Lots of little projects await around the house.  It's not a negative, just recognizing that my time can now be given to such things without feeling a strain or taking away from sleep.  

A soccer game awaits us this morning.  Violet's team, the Terminators (they voted it), are undefeated and today is the final game of the season!  I am proud of how far Violet has come as a soccer player in her first attempts.  It is nice to see her as part of a team.  Time for some more coffee...then the adventures of the day!
