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Sunday, February 19, 2023

It Changes

 Shortly after my previous post, the phone rang and my cousin told me that Uncle Michael had died.  I have been in shock and grieving in my own way, and this blog has fallen (once again) to the side.  This morning, the sun has risen and life moves forward...but the world seems a little darker without Uncle Michael in it.

He has been in my earliest memories, and always he has been a source of good, fun, and positive energy.  His creativity knew no bounds and he shared his curiosity and thirst for fun with the rest of the people around him, and the community at large.  I recall going to his house and enjoying the main micro activities such as yo-yos and playing with marbles and magic tricks.  He was always collecting things, such as back scratchers, Earths, maps, and gold pans.  He baked bagels and had friends over for brunch.  He loved brunch.

Space and time seemed to be the things that intrigued him the most.  Looking at the sun through a solar scope, or charting the moon and stars via his home observatory...he always looked beyond the small town of Juneau and out into the cosmos.  His annual time capsules also brought much joy and intrigue.  He started packing items into a box throughout the year, and sealed the box on New Year's Eve, and marked it to be open 20 years later.  He started packing time capsules in 1980, and I didn't understand their power until the first one was opened when I was 20 years old!  Seeing the old phone book, or McDonald's Styrofoam containers, or pictures and newspapers from two decades ago...time was captured and we could see how it had changed.  

The time is now.  

That is one of his favorite sayings.  It is true.  The time is now, just as it was then.  But it changes.  

Michael also loved panning for gold.  Not in that he made any money....actually I am certain he lost much more buying small plastic containers for the gold flakes we found over the years!  It was the act of panning, and the mystery and excitement of seeing those small gold flecks and flakes in the corner of the round pan.  

It was always about the adventure, the people, and the fun for Uncle Michael.  That is what I will try to take with me moving forward.  I haven't even scratched the surface of his many community projects, prolific amounts of mail sent on a daily basis...and many of his other quirks and characteristics.  He taught me to be curious, to be persistent and persevere.  He taught me to have fun and laugh and enjoy the small, funny things along the way.  He taught me that each moment is unique and that it is good to be kind and get along with others.  He showed me the importance of imagination and wonder, and to explore and search-out the fascinating and to always find the fun.  Each moment is an event, and can be celebrated as such.  

I will miss Uncle Michael but I will never forget.  The time is now, and it changes.  
