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Friday, April 7, 2023

April Musings

 It has been a while since the last post.  That seems to be the theme.  There is so much happening yet it always seems difficult to just sit and write!  Time is such a precious thing and yet I never seem to use mine optimally.  

At the moment, we find ourselves on spring break!  While it is not a Disney vacation, there is something so nice about NOT having any real plans save for a few family events or outings.  Daily dog walks, constant cleaning, lots of movies and games...sleeping in and lounging around the house...just lots of time to BE and breathe.  Both Audrey and Violet are wrapped-up in their online communities of friends and media, and Sam enjoys playing and is currently wrapped-up in the movie "Clue".  It is a refreshing change from digital animation, and also happens to be one of my own personal favorites!  

Last night we had some fun at the Hollywood Palms movie theater and watched the new Mario movie.  It was cute, but I always love the experience of seeing all of the old movie posters and movie star autographs and themed theaters.  There is something so special about going to the movies to me.  For a little while, one is transported away to another story, another timeline, another reality.  It didn't hurt that they also serve food, including my favorite pina colada!   

Now the day is starting to unfold, and we will begin preparing for an adventure to the zoo!  It will be nice to see some animals and share some laughs while getting some exercise walking around the grounds.  As stated at the beginning of this post, small adventures and time to just enjoy without the pressures of daily life.

When we return to school next week, there will be only seven more weeks until summer break!  While I am looking forward to June and seeing family and friends over summer, I don't want to take the time in front of me for granted.  Yes, it will be a busy push with lots to do before we can stretch out again, but we will do our best to find the joy in the little things and within each other.  For now, though...on to the zoo!
