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Saturday, March 23, 2024

Enjoying the Morning

 Someone once said that most things in our lives are the dreams of others:

-The meals we eat every day are the dreams of someone who is hungry.

-The house that seems messy to you is the dream of someone who is homeless.

-The time we spend together is the dream of someone who has lost.

The quiet morning is all I can ask for as our spring break begins.  The daily things we, work, early mornings, meals, lessons, etc....our whole house has been working so hard.  It will be nice to slow down and just be for a few days.

It has been nice to see some friends lately, and also to see our own children forming and developing relationships with friends and being social.  Children are a true wonder, and it is amazing to see how far each of our three have come.  Pride is a word that doesn't seem grand enough when it comes to how I feel about their accomplishments in school and their talents in music and arts and athletics.  However, I am most amazed at their kindness and wanting to just be good towards others in general.  

The rest of spring break has no real outline other than cleaning and really trying to attach projects around the house.  With Disney in our rear view mirror and Juneau ahead on the summer horizon, we all felt like just being home and resting.  The final push towards summer break will be a long one in some ways, and recharging seems to be on the menu for the week!  How lucky we are!
