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Monday, July 21, 2008

Shower Gifts & Flower Gifts

OK, so I finally got around to taking some pictures of our gifts. I was telling some people the other day that I noticed that people no longer get a "stroller", they get a "travel SYSTEM". Everything for children have become systems. Sleep SYSTEMS, feeding SYSTEMS, bathing SYSTEMS, etc. Just something I've noticed.

OK, now onto the pictures. Included are the travel system, a wookie, some baby clothes, etc. Also, I am including a few more pictures from Kim's garden, including a couple flowers and her tomatoes (salmonella free!).

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Baby Shower

I don't have the pictures yet, but we had our first baby shower this past Sunday. I know that the husband usually does not attend, but I figure that if people are gathering and giving to our family, then I should be around!

We were very spoiled, and were given many wonderful gifts, including a Wookie and some Indiana University gear. I am sure that the Ball State gear will show up later! :-)

Thank you everyone for your generosity and love. I'll post picts as soon as I get them!


Tuesday, July 8, 2008


It is time to introduce one of our "hairy kids". This is our dog, Phoebe. We found her in an animal shelter in December 2007. She is onlynine months old and is a wonderful addition to our small family! She is a mix of black lab and something else! We may never know! What we do know is that she's an awesome little pup and is full of crazy energy and always keeps one ear up and one ear down!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Nursery Pictures

OK! Here are the end results of our efforts in the new nursery. We painted the walls "grass cloth", installed new laminate wood flooring,
wanespanneling (sp?), a chair rail, and quarter-molding along the floor! It was a lot of work and toil, but in the end, it looks pretty great!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July Weekend

Happy 4th of July! We celebrated with several parties and lots and lots of food! Here is a first picture of K with baby! I am also posting this sunflower close-up because I love it! K has this Digital SLR camera (very nice) and it is pretty awesome with some of the things it can do. Hopefully, we'll have many more pictures to post in the near future! Cheers!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Hello all! Welcome to our blog! Since it seems as if everyone else is doing the blog thing, we figured this was a good time to try it ourselves!

The main purpose of this blog is to keep family and friends all over the world updated about our family happenings and ongoings! For the moment, it is just A&K, two cats, and a crazy dog. However, Baby Orelove is due in late September or Early October, and that will really make for some interesting and exciting posts.

Hopefully we'll be tech-savy enough to throw some pictures and video up here, so as o break-up the monotony that is text. Well, time to get back to painting the new nursery! I've spent the past three days tearing-up carpet, priming, painting, and installing new floor and panneling! Pictures to soon follow!