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Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Hello all! Welcome to our blog! Since it seems as if everyone else is doing the blog thing, we figured this was a good time to try it ourselves!

The main purpose of this blog is to keep family and friends all over the world updated about our family happenings and ongoings! For the moment, it is just A&K, two cats, and a crazy dog. However, Baby Orelove is due in late September or Early October, and that will really make for some interesting and exciting posts.

Hopefully we'll be tech-savy enough to throw some pictures and video up here, so as o break-up the monotony that is text. Well, time to get back to painting the new nursery! I've spent the past three days tearing-up carpet, priming, painting, and installing new floor and panneling! Pictures to soon follow!


alaskajoel said...

welcome baby orelove blog. I look 4-word to ur sites,sound and words. Have fun.

littledi said...

Hey Kim and Abel, I love your blog! It's a great way for us out of town family to keep in touch. Looks like you hit the jackpot at the shower! Do you have ultrasound pictures you can post? love ya!