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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday Morning Thoughts

Hello all. I am sitting here quietly on a Sunday morning, enjoying a few quiet minutes to myself. Kim and the baby are asleep upstairs, and I am resting in my chair downstairs, watching the sun filter through the curtains.

We are preparing for our first Thanksgiving trip as a family. We are traveling to Richmond, Virginia to visit my Uncle Fred and Aunt Irene. This is a trip that I have made annually since I was 18. However, it will be the first time Kim has taken the trip with me, so I am very much looking forward to this Turkey day!

As you might imagine, traveling with a baby will pose its own set of unique challenges. I have never before traveled with a baby, and I am doing my best to cover all the bases. Whenever I have traveled, I always pray that I don't get the seat next to the couple with the I AM the couple with the infant! :-) One time on an airline, I saw a guy hand earplugs out to all of his neighbors to compensate for his screaming child! I am sure Audrey will fare much better, though.

Well, not too much else going on in our lives. We are set to clean house and put up holiday decorations and such. My goal is to have a completely clean house and have everything set-up before we leave, so we can return to an immaculate house! I think there are few better feelings than returning from a nice vacation to a clean, comfy house! I hope everyone is well and that the holiday season finds you in warm spirits. Photos to come soon!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Football

Sitting here with Audrey and the dog watching football this Sunday. I wonder what teams my baby will grow up to cheer for? I am so excited to watch her grow up, yet I am trying to savor every moment we have together!

Things lately have been nice. We've found an agreeable sleep schedule, a family function schedule, and I have still be able to remain fully involved with my work. The first quarter is over with my school, and the new term begins. The work level will be ramped up and I expect that not too many students (or parents for that matter) will be happy with teh increase in homework and class expectations.

Oh well, such is life. Always getting ready for the next level, when really, we should be enjoying whatever level we're on! Happy Sunday.


Saturday, November 1, 2008


Time is moving so fast. Halloween already! Audrey the Elephant had a quiet evening and Phoebe the Pumpkin has been enjoying a week or two in Indiana with all of her friends! Here are some photos.

There are times in each day that I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful family and such support and love from everyone. We are truly blessed.

-A, K, & A