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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Guess Who's 30?

Well, it has already been a week since my big 3-0, but it has been a nice transiting into the next "phase" of my life. The last month or so leading up to my 30th birthday was a period of reflection and looking towards the future. I have had a wonderful life and am thankful for every moment of it. I am truly blessed to have so many people in my life who love me and whom I love as well.

We celebrated in comfortable fashion last week in South Bend. Kim's mom had a cake and gifts for me and then we had a double birthday celebration with Uncle Bob and the other side of the family. I was spoiled with nice gifts including a couple of Bear's sweatshirts that I have been wearing constantly since receiving. I have also received a bunch of very nice gifts from my own family, so I am very thankful for all of my new treasures!

Now it is back to the grind, so to speak. Last week I started the new semester of classes at Roosevelt University for my administration degree. The professor in the first class looks to be a breath of fresh air as he has a good sense of humor and understands the hours we are all putting in on top of our daily work schedules. I am looking forward to learning more about creating community ties through the school.

Audrey is wonderful. We visited some friends in Villa Park yesterday and brought them doughnuts. Today we've already cleaned the downstairs, played with blocks, taken a bath, and she is currently taking her late morning nap. I may follow suit shortly. Afterall, I am getting more and more tired in my old age! :-)

Monday, January 18, 2010

January Midst

Audrey with a grey Chicago Skyline in the background

It is that time of year where the days seem to blend together, much as they do in summer, except outdoor activity is much more limited. Since returning from Winter Break, the days seem to fly by, but at the same time creep slowly. At some points in the day, I cannot believe how the time has passed, while at other times, the minutes seem like hours. It is all a strange, grey, chilly time.

Audrey and the big fish tank at Shedd Aquarium

This weekend we savored an extra day off thanks to Martin Luther King Jr. Kim took the day off, as well. So we've had some time together as a family to lounge around the house, taking care of odds and ends. It was a little sad to see the Christmas tree come down. I enjoy turning the lights on every day when I return home with Audrey. The tree has been replaced by a new alphabet playing mat and an assortment of Audrey's favorite playthings. So, she approves of the new space usage, although I am sure she wonders about the lights and tree on some level.

Audrey and the Jellyfish

On Saturday we traveled into the big city of Chicago to visit the Shedd Aquarium for a couple hours. It was absolutely packed because it was half-price weekend, unbeknownst to us. When we finally got inside we were treated to an afternoon of fish of all kinds swimming this way and that. It brought back many memories of my own childhood, and it was a special time to spend with my wife and daughter for the first time as a family.

Audrey and the Dolphin

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Happy 2010!

It has been a little while since my last post. We’ve had quite the holiday season and a nice winter break, too! We spent the holidays down in South Bend visiting family and being absolutely pampered by Grandma! I must admit that it was pure pleasure to have a break from teaching and get a chance to spend a lot of time with Audrey. We took morning slow, with many cheerios, oranges, bananas, and books.

Audrey, Mom, and Grandma over Winter Break

Audrey was absolutely spoiled with gifts from everyone. Books, toys, clothes, a big red wagon….very generous gifts that have kept Audrey quite entertained and looking very stylish! She was the main attraction all weekend, and was exhausted by the time we returned home.

Audrey and Great Grandma Flesher playing in the new wagon!

New Year’s was also quite the undertaking, with friends from Crown Point visiting our house with their children. We had a total of five children running around and playing all kinds of games. The next day we all drove up to Gurnee to a hotel with an indoor water park. Audrey had a blast swimming and wading all over the place. She splashed and laughed, and particularly loved the water slides. At the end of our stay, she insisted on walking up the stairs and sliding down herself.

Audrey and Cousin Gail in front of the tree

The remainder of the break was quiet, although quick. It was nice to return to teaching and our daily routine, but I truly miss spending the entire day with my daughter. I now look forward to the summer when we can continue our walks all over our subdivision, play with the dog, and have many more adventures.

All the Flesher Women & Orelove Baby (From Left: Beth, Gail, Audrey, Kim, & Sarah)

Now everything is covered in snow, slumbering deeply until spring’s warm calling. Sometimes it feels like the wind is slapping your cheeks, while other times the snow falls heavily, muffling all sound except for the fluffy flakes that endlessly fall from above. The whiteness is like a blank piece of paper, free from error.