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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Guess Who's 30?

Well, it has already been a week since my big 3-0, but it has been a nice transiting into the next "phase" of my life. The last month or so leading up to my 30th birthday was a period of reflection and looking towards the future. I have had a wonderful life and am thankful for every moment of it. I am truly blessed to have so many people in my life who love me and whom I love as well.

We celebrated in comfortable fashion last week in South Bend. Kim's mom had a cake and gifts for me and then we had a double birthday celebration with Uncle Bob and the other side of the family. I was spoiled with nice gifts including a couple of Bear's sweatshirts that I have been wearing constantly since receiving. I have also received a bunch of very nice gifts from my own family, so I am very thankful for all of my new treasures!

Now it is back to the grind, so to speak. Last week I started the new semester of classes at Roosevelt University for my administration degree. The professor in the first class looks to be a breath of fresh air as he has a good sense of humor and understands the hours we are all putting in on top of our daily work schedules. I am looking forward to learning more about creating community ties through the school.

Audrey is wonderful. We visited some friends in Villa Park yesterday and brought them doughnuts. Today we've already cleaned the downstairs, played with blocks, taken a bath, and she is currently taking her late morning nap. I may follow suit shortly. Afterall, I am getting more and more tired in my old age! :-)

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