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Saturday, February 6, 2010

February Blah

Audrey helping blow out the candles on my 30th

First of all, it is time to be done with this weather. The grey days and cold make me want to do nothing more than burrow further under the blankets. I cannot wait until the spring when I can resume my walks with Audrey and the dog around the neighborhood and observe the occasional rabbit or bird.

Other than that, things are fine. Not too much since my 30th. I've been working very hard with school and my new graduate courses, so I've often found a lack of time in terms of this blog. It feels good, though, to feel that I am improving with my profession and making an impact on my students and their education and lives in general.

Audrey caught feeding the dog from the table!!!

Audrey continues to flourish. Her vocabulary is building at a staggering rate. She has many sight words down pat, and is babbling like crazy, just a few vowels short of words and complete sentences. She loves to greet the dog every day when we return home, and books are still her greatest love, although the occasional block tower building session is becoming a favorite, too.

Upsidedown kisses from Daddy!

Today we will be traveling North a bit to see my friends from my old school district in Villa Park. It should be a nice reunion of sorts before an evening of cleaning, organizing, and reading. I have a plethora of books that I want to read, and I am desperately trying to find room for personal enjoyment reading amongst all of my school-required texts and classroom curriculum!

I hope this finds everyone doing well.


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