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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What's Happening

Hello Friends and Family,

There are 29 days of school remaining. It is difficult to not look forward towards the summer. I so enjoyed last year and all of its simplicity: walking with Audrey and Phoebe, breakfast of oatmeal or Cheerios, naps, and playing in the yard with bubbles and toys. Before the summer, however, I am doing my best to tighten the reigns with my students and ensuring that they continue to complete work and keep their desks tidy...although I may be losing the battle on that front.

This summer I will be taking classes for my administrative degree, including a law course and an internship under my principal. I am very much looking forward to the internship because this will (hopefully) provide me with the most realistic, and thusly useful, experience in the program. I will have the option to take part in hiring teachers, interviewing other administrators, and taking part in all aspects of building operations.

Audrey continues to amaze and astound. Her vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. Potty training awaits not too far in the future. She continues to be fascinated by animals of all kinds, especially birds that we see out on walks. She treats the cats and dog with love and kisses, although the occasional tail-tug does happen when close to bedtime. She identifies many things throughout the day, and babbles constantly. The interesting part of her speech is that when she babbles a sentence and you ask her to repeat it, she babbles in exactly the same way. This tells me that she IS talking, and is just a few vowels and syllables away from full-out sentences!

As the sun stays longer each day, I find myself with more and more energy, and attempt to clean more, walk more, write more, etc. I am pleased to be returning to my school for another year of teacher, and am flattered to be asked for another year of my brand of education. It will be nice entering the summer not worrying about job leads, insurance and income and packing boxes of classroom materials. Besides my internship and law, I look forward to a relaxed summer with many visits to the zoo, walks to the park, and times where we forget the time and day.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Back from Spring Break

It is the first day back from spring break and I am already looking forward to summer. This break was an absolute treat! Ted and Lisa visited from Texas and it was a special moment introducing them to their granddaughter, Audrey. We spent the week doing many activities including a trip to downtown Chicago, deep dish pizza from Pizzeria Uno, a trip to Brookfield Zoo, and many walks with Phoebe!

Lisa, Audrey, and Ted in front of the Chicago Art Museum

Audrey making faces at a board at Brookfield Zoo

We were also treated to a visit from Dixie and Ann who brought a delicious dinner and Audrey's big red wagon! Sitting at our dinner table, looking around at everybody, reminded me yet again about how lucky I am to have such a beautiful family.

From Left top: Ted, Lisa, Kim, Audrey, and Abel
From Left bottom: Dixie, Ann, and Phoebe

Now I return my focus to the remainder of the school year and transitioning into the summertime! I will be completing an internship and taking a law class over the summer, but have every intention to spend teh remainder of my time going on walks with Audrey and Phoebe, and taking many naps and reading a lot! Can you tell I am still mentally on Spring Break?
