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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Back from Spring Break

It is the first day back from spring break and I am already looking forward to summer. This break was an absolute treat! Ted and Lisa visited from Texas and it was a special moment introducing them to their granddaughter, Audrey. We spent the week doing many activities including a trip to downtown Chicago, deep dish pizza from Pizzeria Uno, a trip to Brookfield Zoo, and many walks with Phoebe!

Lisa, Audrey, and Ted in front of the Chicago Art Museum

Audrey making faces at a board at Brookfield Zoo

We were also treated to a visit from Dixie and Ann who brought a delicious dinner and Audrey's big red wagon! Sitting at our dinner table, looking around at everybody, reminded me yet again about how lucky I am to have such a beautiful family.

From Left top: Ted, Lisa, Kim, Audrey, and Abel
From Left bottom: Dixie, Ann, and Phoebe

Now I return my focus to the remainder of the school year and transitioning into the summertime! I will be completing an internship and taking a law class over the summer, but have every intention to spend teh remainder of my time going on walks with Audrey and Phoebe, and taking many naps and reading a lot! Can you tell I am still mentally on Spring Break?


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