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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring Break

It is finally Spring Break. I am sorry for the lack of blogging as of late, but I have been run ragged with school and grad school and baby Audrey and life in general. It really hasn't sunk-in that I'm on break, but hopefully when Kim's morning alarm goes off and I don't have to go to work, it willhit home! :-)

As the daylight increases, so does my energy and activity level. I am always amazed every spring how we survive such dark, cold winters. I am starting to understand why people move South for the winters. I am doing my best, when not at work, to not pay attention to the time and just enjoy whatever is in front of me or whatever it is I am doing. I am doing my best to be in the "now" and it is helping me to search-out more detail and focus more effectively on tasks at hand or games with Audrey.

Speaking of, Ms. Audrey Ruth is doing quite well. Her 18-month check-up was a success in terms of her bill of health, which is quite clean! However, Audrey did not take too kindly to receiving two vaccination shots, one in each leg. Some vanilla ice cream at home helped ease the temporary pain.

Tomorrow will be a special day because Grandpa Ted and Grandma Lisa will be arriving from Texas for a few days. It will be a treat to introduce them to Audrey and spend some time showing them around Chicago and the burbs. Some of the items we have on tap include walks with the dog, the zoo, Chicago style pizza, and Ted and Lisa will Audreysit while Kim and I get to a movie or sleep in the car in the driveway! :-)

Pictures and stories to follow soon!


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