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Monday, March 1, 2010

March Update

Audrey making a mess!

It is nice to finally be in March. It gives us hope that this gray that is winter will finally find a time to move on. The constant gray days and ever-present snow has given a sense of hibernation at least in myself. I have found my eyes wandering over the calendar days more and more as spring approaches with the promise of more sunlight and warmer temperatures. In years past, I have never really minded the long winter days, but I am eager to see green grass and be able to walk with my daughter and dog on summer mornings.

The past two weeks have been a blur, including the weekends. Two weeks ago we made a trip down to Indianapolis to visit my friend, Amy and her new baby boy, Dexter. I know that Amy and Gary will be wonderful parents, and I look forward to having many more play days with Audrey and Dex in the future! We also spend some quality time with Beth and Mark at their house, while our dog, Phoebe, savored having access to a backyard whenever the urge struck her! We also got some nice hang-out time with cousin Gail and some Beatles Rock Band! Thanks for dinner cousin Gail!

Momma Amy and Baby Dexter

Last weekend, our little family visited South Bend because it’s been a while since our last trip there. It is always nice for Audrey to have some time with her Grandmothers and family on Kim’s side. I have been desperately trying to finish my most recent book because I have a stack of about eight that I need to get to at the moment. However, graduate papers and books along with standardized testing in school and preparing for the final push in the year have really consumed most of my time.

I am also very much looking forward to my spring break, as my step-father, Ted, and his wife, Lisa, will be visiting our house from Texas. This will be their first time meeting Audrey, and I am very much excited about this. It has also been a couple years since we’ve seen each other, and I miss him very much.

The days are slowly becoming lighter, the weather a little warmer a degree or two at a time. Audrey gets bigger, laughs louder, and is walking all over. She is saying lots of new words, especially animals: bat, pig, sink, socks, shirt, among others. Here are some pictures from a recent time when she found her way into our flour jar!


Look who is getting into some trouble!

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