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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Walks

We've been out and about these past couple weeks, traveling all over to visit friends and family. Last weekend we were in South Bend, and this weekend we had a nice lunch with friends at a Japanese Steak House! It is always fascinating to have an entire meal cooked right before you! Audrey expecially enjoyed the sizzling and boiling and steaming of her meal, and mainly stuck to the comfortable familiarity of rice and the occasional bit of chicken.

The weather, while not perfect, is finally transitioning into spring! It is still very gray most of the time, but the temperature has found a new home in the high 40's most of the time, with the infrequent visit to the mid 50's. This means walks with Audrey in the jogger and Phoebe accompanying. We did about 6 miles today around the subdivision over three different walks today. Audrey is able to verbally identify dogs, geese, ducks, rabbits, and birds. For the most part, however, she is very quiet and seems to enjoy the fresh air and constantly-changing scenery as we move down each street.

Spring break is a mere two weeks away, and the Summer vacation is on the horizon! More updates and pictures soon. Happy Spring!


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