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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thunder and Lightening

A couple hours ago it began to thunder and flash lightening. Since then, Audrey and I have been laying on the couch with all the lights out, listening to the storm rage outside. She looks at me with wide eyes at every bolt of lightening, and huddles closer at the rumbling thunder. Moments like these make me feel like a daddy.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Audrey and Kim at Sarah's Baby shower

Here are some pictures of Audrey enjoying her kiddie pool in the backyard!

What do you MEAN it's time to get out?!?!?

5 more minutes? YAY!

I love you Mommy and Daddy!

It has been a quiet, enjoyable weekend in South Bend with the family. I am sitting here, stuffed to the gills, after a delicious lunch of grilled chicken and various desserts. We have been watching the impact of recent storms unfold over the last few days. Friday morning and evening were the times for some very nasty rainfall and severe winds (70mph in some areas). Besides endless tree branches and flooded areas, thousands have lost power. Fortunately, we were not in those numbers greatly impacted.

Audrey has spent a fun weekend with her Grandma Dixie and Aunt Beth. Between rounds of bubble baths in the sink and hide-and-seek, she has spent a considerable time out in the yard playing in the sandbox and soaking herself in the pool. Audrey has also spent time with her cousin Gail, Sarah, Grandma Flesher, Ann, Aunt Shirley, and Becky. It is comforting to me to see so many strong women in Audrey's life. I hope that she continues to enjoy her time with them and learn as much as possible from such wonderful people.

Tomorrow is the final day of my internship for the month, and then I will be enjoying a few weeks off with Audrey and the animals. Last summer was spent mostly walking and playing all day, and I hope for a repeat in days to come. It was so nice just laughing and exploring and learning with Audrey, and he naps were pretty awesome, too!

Today is Father's Day, and I have been thinking about a variety of things throughout the day. I think about how greatful I am for such a beautiful, happy, and healthy daughter. She inspires me in everything I do with my life now. I want to be the best for her, and be a role model for her. I am also so thankful for my family. Everyone continues to be supportive and very encouraging and gives me nothing but love.

I have also been thinking how lucky I am to have two outstanding father figures in my life: My father and step-father. Both of these men have taught me so much and shared so much of their lives with me. I know how special a father is, and I am so fortunate to have TWO. I will forever remember our adventures, lessons (easy and tough), laughter, and discussions. I know that I will spend the rest of my life attempting to live-up to their standards of fairness, humanity, and love. I cannot express my complete love for them in simple words. I hope that I can be the father for Audrey that they have been for me.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Audrey at Brookfield Zoo getting a hold of the face paint!

I must first apologize for the lack of postings as of late. The transition into my summer break has been rather hectic, as I have begun my internship for my educational leadership and been feebly attempting some housecleaning before the dog days arrive. My internship has proven thus far to be very educational and hands-on. I know that I learn best by doing, and I am getting many opportunities to partake in school operations and management. Tonight, though, is my first law class, which is rumored to "have some teeth".

Trying on a new sundress

VIDEO: Audrey reviewing some of her animal vocabulary after Brookfield Zoo!

The weather has not been very cooperative, raining and remaining ominous as of late. On the flip side, our family is anticipating a relaxed summer schedule, with trips to Brookfield Zoo and possible swimming lessons at the local YMCA for Audrey. Speaking of....Audrey is nearing the two year mark in her short yet stunning life! She is running all over, playing non-stop, laughing and talking to no end, and life is good!

TACO NIGHT!!! Nom nom nom nom nom.....

We are close to booking our tickets to Seattle at the end of the summer to visit family and drive to Portland for a wedding! It will be Audrey's first trip to the Pacific Northwest for any period of time, and it will be a special time introducing her to friends and family who have not yet had the "Audrey Experience"!

More later, but time to get to law!


VIDEO: TACO NIGHT!!! Just munching.