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Saturday, July 31, 2010

The End of Summer

It is the end of summer. While some may argue that August still holds a few days without responsibility, I believe that it is also the time that my mind begins to prepare for a new school year and all that comes with it: I start waking up earlier, going to bed earlier, thinking about school supplies and lesson plans, tension and nerves begin to build in my subconscious, etc. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE teaching and I am actually quite excited to embark on another year. It is just a different routine and set of conditions to live by, as well as a drastic reduction in afternoon naps!

These past few weeks have been busy in their own sense. Our little family has been seizing the remaining summer days and been in constant motion. Last weekend we were set for a trip to Michigan to visit a friend's lake house and enjoy some time outside of our usual stomping grounds. With my Honda Civic packed to the gills with coolers and sleeping gear, our family headed out onto the highway on the hottest day of the year, with a heat index of about 110 degrees! In the middle of the trip, just outside of Gary, Indiana, my little Civic just died! We feared that the transmission gave out again. Ultimately, we were rescued by friends and family and re-routed to South Bend as my car was towed to Gary for the night. The auto shop couldn't find any problem with the car, so we were left with an unreliable mode of transportation. We stayed the weekend in south Bend and scrapped the trip to Michigan. With over 185,000 miles on my car, I decided it was time to trade it in and we drove back to Illinois in a 2009 Hundai Santa Fe! It was difficult to say goodbye to my first car, with so many adventures and good memories. However, I believe that this new vehicle is best for the family and will provide many wonderful experiences, as well!

We have also continued to walk and run every day, which has also encouraged the family to pursue healthier eating habits all around. Not that we survive on carrots and wheat toast or anything, but we are trying to be more consciensious of what goes into our bodies and what we need to do to drop some pounds!

Today we visited the Brookfiend Zoo. Despite the humidity, it was actually quite enjoyable. Audrey enjoyed the lemurs and got to see a zoo handler display a fruit bat for close viewing! Audrey talks and repeats pretty much everything she hears, and is quite good at holding basic conversations. One of her new favorite activities is spotting VW Bugs as we drive out and about, and yelling the colors of trucks as they pass on the highway. We stack blocks, color, put items away and take them out again in the food pantry, brush the cats, walk the dog, get the mail, watch airplanes, count, watch bunnies, and chase toads at night in the driveway!

Soon we will depart for the West Coast to visit some of my family and also take a trip to Oregon for a friend's wedding. While we're not particularly looking forward to the long flight, it will be joyous to see my mother and sister and spend some time by the ocean on the Oregon coast. There is something rejuvenating about water and nature, and I believe this trip will be a fitting end to my summer and a nice way to rev my enthusiasm for a return to the classroom and nine more months of being addressed as "Mr. Orelove".


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Short July Update

The sun has set into the night,
The moon begins its rise.
But I think about the things today,
That have passed before my eyes.

Waking to the morning light,
A snoring cat upon my chest.
An early walk with the dog
Allows my daughter more rest.

But soon the coffee bubbles and brews,
The oatmeal dressed in cream.
The first crackles of laughter from her room,
And the first smiles do beam.

We dress, eat up, and pack.
For we must be on our way!
To visit our friends down the road,
And swim and eat and play!

The radio humms along happily,
As the car bumps down the drive.
And as I look in my rear view mirror,
I am so thankful to be alive.

We swim and eat cookies and nap,
As the sun beats down on our backs.
But the sunblock and bug spray allow us,
To simply enjoy our snacks.

At the end of the day we hug.
Give kisses and say goodbye.
It was fun to share a day with you,
But I can see the sleep in her eye.

So we pack up and stand up and go.
Back down the road in our car once more.
As the sun sets below the horizon,
My ears detect a faint snore.

We look back and both begin to smile,
A blanket and binky we see.
And while she sleeps cool in the night breeze,
My love burns eternally.

-audrey dancing with her buddies to the tunes!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July Update

Audrey sporting her IU gear.

Hello All,

It is a hot afternoon, already up to about 85 degrees! Audrey and I are sitting inside with the air conditioning on, preparing for the daily nap, but not quite ready to fall!

It was a very enjoyable 4th of July weekend. We spend the weekend in Indianapolis visiting friends and family. We got a chance to see our cousin Gail and my good friends, Amy and Gary and their new baby boy, Dexter. We stayed with aunt Beth and Uncle Mark. Phoebe the dog especially enjoyed their backyard with a view of the pond and ducks and a chance to visit with the neighbor's dogs on the other side of the fence!

We were treated to an evening downtown walking along the canal with Amy, Gary, and Dexter. We enjoyed some snacks and spent the end of the night watching the city fireworks display. It was special to see Amy and Gary and their little baby Dexter.

Audrey posing on the canal walk in Indianapolis

Audrey and Dexter sharing a laugh before the fireworks!

The family with a Wolly Mammoth during our canal walk!

Now we are back home. I have some more internship next week, as well as law class. I will be working on a paper for that, but otherwise we'll be enjoying the house, going on long walks, and taking-on some tasks around the house. I hope to have a lot of things cleaned out and make a trip of two to the Salvation Army.

Audrey playing in the sprinklers with her doll on the 4th of July!

Just running around in the yard!

Well, enjoy the pictures and have a nice day! It looks like it is time for that nap as mentioned earlier! Love from Audrey!
