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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Short July Update

The sun has set into the night,
The moon begins its rise.
But I think about the things today,
That have passed before my eyes.

Waking to the morning light,
A snoring cat upon my chest.
An early walk with the dog
Allows my daughter more rest.

But soon the coffee bubbles and brews,
The oatmeal dressed in cream.
The first crackles of laughter from her room,
And the first smiles do beam.

We dress, eat up, and pack.
For we must be on our way!
To visit our friends down the road,
And swim and eat and play!

The radio humms along happily,
As the car bumps down the drive.
And as I look in my rear view mirror,
I am so thankful to be alive.

We swim and eat cookies and nap,
As the sun beats down on our backs.
But the sunblock and bug spray allow us,
To simply enjoy our snacks.

At the end of the day we hug.
Give kisses and say goodbye.
It was fun to share a day with you,
But I can see the sleep in her eye.

So we pack up and stand up and go.
Back down the road in our car once more.
As the sun sets below the horizon,
My ears detect a faint snore.

We look back and both begin to smile,
A blanket and binky we see.
And while she sleeps cool in the night breeze,
My love burns eternally.

-audrey dancing with her buddies to the tunes!


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