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Monday, September 27, 2010

Birthday Girls

Audrey turning 2

It has been a nice last few weeks. Audrey has turned two and Kim is 30! It is amazing to think that two years ago Audrey was born. There has been so much that has happened, and yet it all feels like an eye blink. I feel so blessed to have so much support and love from all of my family and friends. Audrey is lucky to have such caring, wonderful people in her life. Thank you everyone for your kind words, gifts, and thoughts. More later, but for now, I am enjoying the satisfying warmth of my family while the crisp fall air blankets outside.

Audrey and Grandpa Cip

Audrey and her birthday cake!

Take a big breath!

Blowing out the candles!

Audrey blew them all out!

Birthday Girl

Smiling for the camera. Happy Birthday Audrey!

Playing in the rain

Audrey playing in the yard in South Bend.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Last Few Weeks

Audrey and the Pacific

Nana and Audrey in Newport, Oregon walking along the coast.

It has been pretty quiet on the Orelove family front. While both Audrey's and Kim's birthdays loom near, we are quite content going about our lives in a fun and loving fashion. Audrey is settling back into her routine of childcare during the day and then time with mom and dad in the evening. She is talking more and more in complete sentences, expressing her feelings, and giving more accurate descriptions of where things are positioned or located. For example, instead of shouting "BUNNY!" on our walks, she no whispers and explains to me that the "Bunny is under the tree eating the grass."

Haunted Lighthouse in Newport, OR

Another lighthouse in Newport, OR

Catch of the Day! We explore along the beach in Newport!

Last week we traveled down to Indianapolis for my friend's 30th birthday. It is always nice to travel down I-65 and visit friends and family. We spent the weekend with Beth and Mark, lots of laughing and running around the house. Audrey especially likes visiting the chinchillas, Fitz and Alomar. I also purchased a mindless videogame where the objective is to eliminate as many zombies as possible from a local shopping mall. Needless to say, I was entertained thoroughly last weekend!

My friend Mike and me at Sara's wedding outside of Portland, OR

My new 5th grade class is going well. As always, there is a plethora of personalities, and we are all learning how to live and learn together. I think I have a very good class, though, and am excited to really get into our curriculum this year. We have a lot of new testing tools and data tools to help me drive instruction and improve scores. I am also enjoying the last semester of my graduate studies. It will be nice to have this second master's completed in June! Who knows, maybe one day it will be DR. ORELOVE! :-)

The Portland Rose Garden in Oregon

The seasons are changing, and soon all of the fall colors will drape the trees and prairies all around. Football season has been greeted with great celebration here in Chicago. While the Bears have improved their roster, it looks to be another tough season in the Northern division. While the new season is heating up, the weather is cooling down and there is definitely a new crispness to the air and a lack of humidity in the afternoons at the warmest points of the day. While we still have some time before the first snowflakes hit, I think everyone is starting to prepare mentally for the next winter. Sigh.

Audrey in Indy playing in the Atom Ball

Audrey at the party with some buddies!

Aunt Beth at her birthday party that we also celebrated in Indy last week!

Today's pictures are a combination of our trip to Indy and the remainder of our summer vacation to the coast.
