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Monday, September 27, 2010

Birthday Girls

Audrey turning 2

It has been a nice last few weeks. Audrey has turned two and Kim is 30! It is amazing to think that two years ago Audrey was born. There has been so much that has happened, and yet it all feels like an eye blink. I feel so blessed to have so much support and love from all of my family and friends. Audrey is lucky to have such caring, wonderful people in her life. Thank you everyone for your kind words, gifts, and thoughts. More later, but for now, I am enjoying the satisfying warmth of my family while the crisp fall air blankets outside.

Audrey and Grandpa Cip

Audrey and her birthday cake!

Take a big breath!

Blowing out the candles!

Audrey blew them all out!

Birthday Girl

Smiling for the camera. Happy Birthday Audrey!

Playing in the rain

Audrey playing in the yard in South Bend.

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